Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/417

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[78 STAT. 375]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 375]

78 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 88-393-AUG. 1, 1964



For necessary expenses, including contract stenographic reporting services, $1,960,000: Provided, That travel expenses of the judges shall be paid upon the written certificate of the judge. ADVISORY COMMISSION ON INTERGOVERNMENTAL EELATIONS SALARIES A N D


For expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act of September 24, 1959 (73 Stat. 703-706), $395,000. J^^^"^ 2371PRESIDENT'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON LABOR-MANAGEMENT POLICY

For necessary expenses of the President's Advisory Committee on I^bor-Management Policy, established by Executive Order 10918 of February 16, 1961, including services as authorized by section 15 of ^^^^ "^^ ^^^ the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55a), but at rates for individuals eo Stat. sio. not to exceed $100 per diem, and $30 per diem in lieu of subsistence for members of the Committee while away from their homes or regular places of business, $150,000. This Act may be cited as the "Treasury, Post Office, and Executive ^^"""^ *"^*' Office Appropriation Act, 1965". Approved August 1, 1964. Public Law 88-393 AN ACT To extend the provisions of the Act of August 11, 1959, Public Law 86-l.^"5, as amended (74 Stat. 396) to provide improved opportunity for promotion for certain officers in the naval service.

Be it enacted by the Seruite arid House of RepresentatheH of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 8 of the Act of August 11, 1959, Public Law 86-155, as amended (74 Stat. 396), is amended by striking out "June 30, 1965" and inserting in place thereof "June 30, 1970". SEC. 2. Section 3 of the Act of August 11, 1959, Public Law 86-155, as amended (74 Stat. 396), is amended to read as follows: "Notwithstanding section 1431 of title 10, United States Code, a change or revocation of an election, an original election, or a new election after a revocation of an election made under that section by— " (1) an officer who is retired under this Act; or "(2) an officer who has been considered but not recommended for continuation on the active list under this Act and who retires voluntarily before the date specified for his retirement under this Act; is effective if made at such a time that it would have been effective had he been retired on the date prescribed by section 6376 or 6377 of title 10, United States Code. However, an original election or a new election made after a revocation is not effective unless made before the convening date of the board that considered the officer for continuation." Approved August 1, 1964. 31-667 0 - 6 5 — 2 7

August 1, 1964 [H. R. 10322]

Naval officers. 73 Stat. 3 3 7.

10 USC 5701 note. Election of annuity, validity, 75 Stat. 810.

70 A Stat. 4 0 2.