Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/221

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[78 STAT. 179]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 179]

78 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 88-297-APR. 11, 1964


(4) Section 334(g) is amended by inserting "except 1965"- in the ^° ^*^*- ^^^^• first sentence after the language "in 1958 or thereafter"'. (5) Section 334 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: Natural disas" (k) Notwithstanding any other pix)vision of this Act, if the Secretary. tary determines that because of a natural disaster a portion of the Transfers farm wheat acreage allotments in a county cannot be timely planted or replanted, he may authorize the transfer of all or a part of the wheat acreage allotment for any farm in the county so affected to another farm in the county or in an adjoining county on which one or more of the producers on the farm from which the transfer is to be made will be engaged in the production of wheat and will share in the proceeds thereof, in accordance with such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe. Any farm allotment transferred under this subsection shall be deemed to be planted on the farm from which it was transferred for the purposes of acreage history credits under this Act." (6) Section 336 is amended by striking out "not later than sixty lJr^'J^}\„M days after such proclamation is published m the i^ederal Kegister' note. and substituting "not later than August 1 of the calendar year in which such national marketing quota is proclaimed". (7) Section 339(a)(1) is amended, effective only with respect to 75 sta't.^622. the crops planted for harvest in 1964 and 1965, to read as follows: 7 USC 1339.* " (a)(1) As a condition of eligibility for wheat marketing certificates with respect to any farm, the producers on such farm shall be required to divert from the production of wheat to an approved conservation use an acreage of cropland on the farm equal to the number of acres determined by multiplying the farm acreage allotment by the diversion factor, and to participate in any program formulated under subsection (b) to the extent prescribed by the Secretary. Such diversion factor shall be determined by dividing the number of acres by which the national acreage allotment is reduced below fifty-five million acres by the number of acres in the national acreage allotment." (8) Section 339(b) is amended (1) by inserting after the first 5\j|*c**i3^3^9^* sentence the following: "Any producer who complies with his 1964 farm acreage allotment for wheat and with the other requirements of the program shall be eligible to receive payments under the program for the 1964 crop of wheat."; and (2) by inserting in the first sentence "for wheat not accompanied by marketing certificates" after "basic county support rate". (9) Section 339(h) is amended by striking out "June 30, 1963" and substituting "June 30, 1965". (10) Section 379b is amended effective only with respect to the crops 7^,1*^**13^7^9^1; planted for harvest in 1964 and 1965 to read as follows: "SEC. 379b. A wheat marketing allocation program as provided in in^'^lfoJ^tTo^n*' this subtitle shall be in effect for the marketing years for the 1964 and 1965 crops. Whenever a wheat marketing allocation program is in effect for any marketing year the Secretar;^ shall determine (1) the Avheat marketing allocation for such year which shall be the amount of wheat he estimates will be used during such year for food products for consumption in the United States and that portion of the amount of wheat which he estimates will be exported in the form of wheat or products thereof during the marketing year on which the Secretary determines that marketing certificates shall be issued to producers in order to achieve, insofar as practicable, the price and income objectives of this subtitle, and (2) the national allocation percentage for such year which shall be the percentage which the national marketing allocation is of the national marketing quota proclaimed for the 1964 crop, less the expected production on the acreage allotments for farms which will not be in compliance with the requirements of the program.