Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/1415

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[78 STAT. 1373]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 1373]

SUBJECT Education—Continued Page Desegregation of public 246 District of Columbia. See Education and Public schools under District of Columbia. Graduate Public Health Training Amendments of 1964 613 Handicapped, appropriation for facilities 9 Indians, assistance and welfare services, appropriation for 274 Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps, establishment of units at secondary educational institutions 1063 M u t u a l Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, appropriation for effecting provisions 715, 733, 735, 966 Optometry students, loan program 1086 Senior Reserve Officers' Training Corps, establishment of units at educational institutions 1064 Television broadcasting facilities, appropriation for 978 Veterans, totally disabled, assistance to children of 297 Vocational education. See separate title. Work-study programs for students from low-income families 513 Education, OfSce of: Agriculture and mechanic arts colleges, appropriation for endowment 964 Appropriation for.. 9, 11, 224, 964, 1029, 1032 Cooperative research, appropriation for_ 965, 966 Defense educational activities, appropriation for 11, 965, 1029 Educational opportunities, survey and report 247 Federally affected areas, school construction program, extension; report to Congress 1109 Foreign language training and area studies, appropriation for 966 Handicapped, educational improvement, appropriation for 965 Higher education facilities construction, appropriation for grants, etc 964 Library Services and Construction ActAppropriation for effecting provisions 964 Federal assistance, increase 11 National Defense Education Act Amendments, 1964 1100 School construction, appropriation for assistance 964



Education, OfBce of—Continued Page School districts, appropriation for 11, 964 Vocational education, appropriation for expansion 964 Emergency Planning, Office of, appropriation for 640 Employees' Compensation, Bureau of, appropriation for 209, 962 Employees' Compensation Appeals Board, appropriation for 962 Employment Act of 1946, Amendment, elimination of ceiling on appropriation for Joint Economic Committee. _ 1093 Employment Security, Bureau of, appropriation for 11, 172, 960 Engineers, Corps of: Appropriation for 211, 682 Beach erosion control, Fire Island National Seashore, N. Y 932 Civil functions, appropriation for 682 Civil works projects in Alaska, modification 506 Construction, appropriation for 683 D u s t control study, Long Island, Port Isabel, Tex 224 Flood control. See separate title. General investigations, appropriation for 682 Engraving and Printing, Bureau of, appropriation for 367 Environmental Health Sciences, appropriation for 970 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission: Appropriation for 1033 Creation, reports to President and Congress 258 EURATOM Cooperation Act of 1958, Amendments, sale of uranium and plutonium 376 European Atomic Energy Community, cooperation with, appropriation authorization 227 Everglades National Park, Fla., additional lands 933 Excise Tax Rate Extension Act of 1964__ 237 Executive Office of the President. See Executive Office under President of the United States. Executive Salary Act of 1964, Federal 415 "Exploring the Dimensions of the Manpower Revolution" and "Convertibility of Space and Defense Resources to Civilian N e e d s: A Search for New Employment Potentials", printing of additional copies 1211 Export Control Act of 1949, appropriation for effecting provisions 721