Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/1114

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[78 STAT. 1072]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 1072]


70A Stat. 243.

7 2°staf'^l*44o Repeah ^^^ 10 USC 4381*" 4387 """ "^"'

PUBLIC LAW 88-647-OCT. 13, 1964

[78 STAT.

^g^ Section 4348 is amended by inserting the designation " (a) " before the word "Each and by adding a new subsection (b) to read as follows: "(b) A cadet who does not fulfill his agreement under subsection (a) may be transferred by the Secretary of the Army to the Army Reserve in an appropriate enlisted grade and, notwithstanding section ^^^ ^^ *^^^ tit\&, may be ordered to active duty to serve in that grade fjOr such period of time as the Secretary prescribes but not for more than four years." (10) Chapter 405 is repealed. (11) The chapter analysis of subtitle B, and the chapter analysis of part III of subtitle B, are each amended by striking out the following item: "40o. Reserve OflBeers' Training Corps


70A Stat. 297.

(^2) Section 5404(b) is amended— (A) by inserting "and" at the end of clause (3); (B) by striking o u t "; and" at the end of clause (4) and inserting a period in place thereof; and (C) by striking out clause (5). (13) Section 5504(h) is amended by striking out "5573, 6904, 6906" and inserting "2106, 2107, 5573" in place thereof. (14) Chapter 541 is amended— (A) by striking out the following item in the analysis:

72 Stat. 1495.

"5652b. Regular Navy: lieutenants (junior grade) originally appointed as ensigns under section 5573, 6904, 6906, or 6909 of this title."

and inserting the following item in place thereof: "5652b. Regular Navy: lieutenants (junior grade) originally apjxointed as ensigns under section 2106, 2107, 5573, or 6909 of this title."; and

70A Stat. 376.


(B) by striking out from the catchline and the text of section 5652b "5573, 6904, 6906" and inserting "2106, 2107, 5573" in place thereof. (]^5) Section 6023(a) is amended by striking out clause (2) and renumbering clause (3) as clause " (2) ". (16) Section 6387(a) is amended by striking out "6904, 6906," and inserting "2106, 2107," in place thereof. (17) Chapter 601 is amended by repealing sections 6901, 6902, 6903, 6904, 6905, 6906, 6908, and 6910. (18) The analysis of chapter 601 is amended by striking out the following items: "6901. Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps: administration. "6902. Transfer of graduates of Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps to Regular Navy. "6903. Officer candidate training program: administration; qualifications for enrollment. "6904. Officer candidate training program: members enrolled from Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps; appointment as midshipmen; pay; allowances; commissioning. "6905. Officer candidate training program: members enrolled as naval aviation officer candidates; instruction; pay; allowances. "6906. Officer candidate training program: naval aviation candidates; appointment as midshipmen; flight training; appointment as ensigns. "6908. Officer candidate training program: naval aviators; retention or transfer to reserve. <<*



"6910. Payment of expenses."

70A Stat. 432.

(^i^^ Section 6959 is amended by inserting the designation " (a) " before the word "Each" and by adding a new subsection (b) to read as follows: "(b) A midshipman who does not fulfill his agreement under subsection (a) may oe transferred by the Secretary of the Navy to the