Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 78.djvu/1052

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[78 STAT. 1010]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1964
[78 STAT. 1010]

1010 76 Stat. 256; 77 Stat. 381* 22 USC 2181.

22 USC 2184.

PUBLIC LAW 88-633-OCT. 7, 1964

[78 STAT.

(a) Amend section 221(b)(2), which relates to general authority, j» n

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as lollows: (1) Strike out "$180,000,000" in the third proviso and substitute "$800,000,000". (2) Strike out "1965" in the last proviso and substitute "1966". ^\y^ Amend section 224(b), which relates to housing projects in Latin American countries, by striking out "$150,000,000" and substituting "$250,000,000". TITLE IV — S U R V E Y S OF INVESTMENTO P P O R T U N I T I E S

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22 USC 2192.

SEC. 104, Section 232 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, which relates to surveys of investment opportunities, is amended by striking out "1963" and "$2,000,000" and substituting "1965" and "$2,100,000", respectively. TITLE VI — A L L I A N C E FOR PROGRESS

22 USC 22 ^ ^ 12

SEC. 105. Section 252 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, which relates to the Alliance for Progress, is amended by striking out in the first sentence the words beginning with "of the funds" the first time they appear through the words "fiscal year 1964" and substituting "in each of the fiscal years 1963 and 1964 and $85,000,000 in fiscal year 1965 of the funds appropriated pursuant to this section for use beginning in each such fiscal year". CHAPTER 3—INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND PROGRAMS

7^^1*^*383^' 22 USC 2222.

SEC. 106. Section 302 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, which relates to international organizations and programs, Js amended as follows: (a) Strike out "1964" and "$136,050,000" and substitute "1965" and "$134,272,400", respectively. (b) At the end thereof, add the following new sentence: "None of the funds available to carry out this chapter shall be contributed to any international organization or to any foreign government or agency thereof to pay the costs of developing or operating any volunteer program of such organization, government, or agency relating to the selection, training, and programing of volunteer manpower." CHAPTER 4—SUPPORTING ASSISTANCE

22 USC 2242. e(^^^es*s^ *°

SEC. 107. Section 402 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, which relates to supporting assistance, is amended by striking out "1964" and "$380,000,000" and substituting "1965" and "$405,000,000", respectively, and by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence: "Of the funds made available for the fiscal year 1965 to carry out the purposes of this chapter, not less than fi>200,000,000 shall be available solely for use in Vietnam, unless the President determines otherwise and promptly reports such determination to the Committees on Foreign Relations and Appropriations of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives.". CHAPTER 5—CONTINGENCY F U N D

22 USC 2261.

SEC. 108. Section 451(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, which relates to the contingency fund, is amended by striking out "1964" and "$160,000,000" and substituting "1965" and "$150,000,000", respectively.