Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77.djvu/952

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[77 STAT. 920]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1963
[77 STAT. 920]


PRIVATE LAW 88-132-DEC. 21, 1963

[77 STAT.

connection with this claim, and the same shall be unlawful, any contract to the c-ontrar^ notwithstanding. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall l>e fined in any sum not exceeding $1,000. Approved December 21, 1963.

Private Law 88-132 December 21, 1963


[H. R. 1545]

rj,^j provide for the relief of certain enlisted members and former enlisted members of the Air Force.

Be it enacted by the Senate mid House of Representatives of the Julian L. Bandy United States of America in Congress assembled, That the payment and others. " " made by each of the following enlisted members and fonner enlisted members of the xVir Force to a former Air Force employee during the period June 2,195(), through June 4, 1957, shall be credited to each such member or former member: Julian L. Bandy, AF13475906; Orville Birge, AF18437236; Zoltan A. Csizmadia, AF12309779; Richard C. Difebbo, AF23937676; Rojelio M. Hernandez, AF16445321; Bobby L. Irvin, AF19312599; Stanley J. Janosky, AF13433024; Dick R. Johnston, AFlo47l378; Ronald C. Kiederling, AF12439963; Boyd J. Long, AF19472745; Web McPherson, AF20936236; Paul McShane, AF16417788; William W. Miller, Junior, AF17387668; William C. Mortensen, AF17386485; Thomas Peoples, AF2()3r)r)133; Tommy R. Pugh, AF13449931; Luis M. Ramirez, AF38459323; Bennie Ricliey, AF18435176; Lewis Shaw. AF17084029; Mack Spurlock, AF18427589; James S. Stancil, Junior, AF13475621; James R. Stanton, AF16445602; Estil H. Vanover, AFir)4r)6591; Rayford O. Warren. AF38043180; James W. West, AF14443r)94; George H. White, AF34o75392; Mason B. Woodby, AF131f)6578. These payments were refunds of overpayments of accrued leave received by these persons as the result of the fraudulent transactions of said former employee, a civilian clerk in the accounting and finance office of the separation center at Manhattan Beach Air Force Station, New York, who appropriated the money to his own use. SEC. 2. A person named in section 1 of this Act who made repayments both to the United States and to the said former employee, the total of which exceeded the amount due to the United States, shall be paid the excess, if otherwise proper. SEC. 3. I n the audit and settlement of the accounts of any certifying or disbursing officer of the United States, credit shall be given for any amount expended under this Act. SEC. 4. Appropriations available to the Department of the Air Force for the pay and allowances of military personnel are available for payments under this Act. Approved December 21, 1963.