Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77.djvu/747

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[77 STAT. 715]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1963
[77 STAT. 715]

77 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 88-243-DEC. 30, 1963

(3) Tnmsfers in settlement or realization of a lien or other security interest; (4) Sales by executors, administrators, receivers, trustees in bankruptcy, or any public officer under judicial process; (5) Sales made in the course of judicial or administrative proceedings for the dissolution or reorganization of a corporation and of which notice is sent to the creditors of the corporation pursuant to order of the court or administrative agency; (6) Transfers to a person maintaining a known place of business in the District who becomes bound to pay the debts of the transferor in full and gives public notice of that fact, and who is solvent after becoming so bound; (7) A transfer to a new business enterprise organized to take over and continue the business, if public notice of the transaction is given and the new enterprise assumes the debts of the transferor and he receives nothing from the transaction except an interest in the new enterprise junior to the claims of creditors; (8) Transfers of property which is exempt from execution. Public notice under subsection (6) or subsection (T) may be given l>y publishing once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation where the transferor had its principal place of business in the District an advertisement including the names and addresses of the transferor and transferee and the effective date of the transfer. §28:6—104. Schedule of property, list of creditors (1) Except as provided with respect to auction sales (section 28:6— 108), a bulk transfer subject to this article is ineffective against any creditor of the transferor unless: (a) The transferee requires the transferor to furnish a list of his existing creditors prepared as stated in this section; and (b) The parties prepare a schedule of the property transferred sufficient to identify it; and (c) The transferee preserves the list and schedule for six months next following the transfer and permits inspection of either or both and copying therefrom at all reasonable hours by any creditor of the transferor, or files the list and schedule in the office of the Kecorder of Deeds of the District. (2) The list of creditors must be signed and sworn to or affirmed by the transferor or his agent. It must contain the names and business addresses of all creditors of the transferor, with the amounts when known, and also the names of all persons who are known to the transferor to jissert claims against him even though such claims are disputed. If the transferor is the obligor of an outstanding issue of bonds, debentures or the like as to which there is an indenture trustee, the list of creditors need include only the name and address of the indenture trustee and the aggregate outstanding principal amount of the issue. (3) Responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of the list of creditors rests on the transferor, and the transfer is not rendered ineffective by errors or omissions therein unless the transferee is shown to have had knowledge, §28:6—105. Notice to creditors In addition to the requirements of the preceding section, any bulk transfer subject to this article except one made by auction sale (section 28:6—108) is ineffective against any creditor of the transferor unless at least ten days before he takes possession of the goods or pays for them, whichever happens first, the transferee gives notice of the transfer in the manner and to the persons hereafter provided (section 28:6—107).