Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77.djvu/513

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[77 STAT. 481]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1963
[77 STAT. 481]




LAW 88-241-DEC. 23, 1963

proved before him or the court, and (C) all other matters directed to be recorded in the court or in his oflBlce. The bond shall be entered in full upon the minutes of the court, and the original filed with the records thereof, (c) The Eegister of Wills shall: (1) act as clerk of the court in all matters over which the court exercises its jurisdiction or powers as the Probate Court; (2) keep and certify the court's records in those matters; and (3) generally, with respect to those matters, exercise the powers and perform the duties that might otherwise properly be exercised or performed by the regular clerk of the court. §11-505. Powers and duties of Register of Wills; restrictions; penalties (a) The Eegister of Wills may: (1) receive inventories and accounts of sales, examine voucners, and state accounts of executors, administrators, collectors, and guardians, subject to final approval by the court; (2) take the probate of claims against the estates of deceased persons that are properly brought before him, and approve or reject claims not exceeding $300; and (3) take the probate of wills and accept the bonds of executors, administrators, collectors, and guardians, subject to approval by the court. (b) In matters over which the court has jurisdiction or exercises powers as the Probate Court, the Eegister of Wills shall: (1) make full and fair entries of the proceedings of the Court; (2) make a fair record in a strong-bound book of all wills proved before him or the court, and of other matters required by law to be recorded in the court; (3) lodge original papers filed with him in a place of safety appointed by the court; (4) make out and issue every summons, process, and order of the court; (5) make fair tables of his fees, and post them in a conspicuous place in his office for the inspection of persons having business therein; (6) in every respect, act under the control and direction of the court; and (7) pay into the treasury all fees, costs, and other moneys collected by him, except uncollected fees not required by law to be prepaid, and make returns thereof to the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts under regulations prescribed by the Director. (c) The Eegister of Wills may not: (1) practice law in any court of the District or of the United States; or (2) demand or receive any fee, gratuity, gift, or reward, for giving his advice in any matter relating to his office. (d) The Eegister of Wills shall forfeit the sum of $10 for each day that the tables referred to in clause (5) of subsection (b) of this, section are missing through his neglect, which may be recovered as other debts for the same amount are recoverable. Of the amount so paid or recovered, one-half shall be for the use of the District, and one-half shall be for the use of the informer. 93-025 0-64-33
