Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77.djvu/505

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[77 STAT. 473]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1963
[77 STAT. 473]

77 STAT. ]


PUBLIC LAW 88-235-DEC. 23, 1963

concurrence of the head of the department or agency exercising administration or control over such lands and property, they shall be conveyed to the State of Hawaii by the Administrator subject to the provisions of this Act. (b) Such lands and property shall be conveyed without monetary consideration, but subject to such other terms and conditions as the Administrator may prescribe: Provided, That, as a condition precedent to the conveyance of such lands, the Administrator shall require payment by the State of Hawaii of the estimated fair market value, as determined by the Administrator, of any buildings, structures, and other improvements erected and made on such lands after they were set aside. I n the event that the State of Hawaii does not agree to any payment prescribed by the Administrator, he may remove, relocate, and otherwise dispose of any such buildings, structures, and other improvements under other applicable laws, or if the Administrator determines that they cannot be removed without substantial damage to them or the lands containing them, he may dispose of them and the lands involved under other applicable laws, but, in such cases he shall pay to the State of Hawaii that portion of any proceeds from such disposal which he estimates to be equal to the value of the lands involved. Nothing in this section shall prevent the disposal by the Administrator under other applicable laws of the lands subject to conveyance to the State of Hawaii under this section if the State of Hawaii so chooses. SEC. 2. Any lands, property, improvements, and proceeds conveyed or paid to the State of Hawaii under section 1 of this Act shall be considered a part of public trust established by section 5(f) of Public Law 86-3, and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of that trust. Approved December 23, 1963.


Public Law 88-234 AN ACT

December 23, 1963

To amend section 1391 of title 28 of the United States Code, relating to venue generally.

[H. R. 2985]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 1391 of title 28 of the United States Code is amended by adding at the end thereof one new subsection as follows: " (f) A civil action on a tort claim arising out of the manufacture, assembly, repair, ownership, maintenance, use, or operation of an automobile may be brought in the judicial district wherein the act or omission complained of occuiTed." Approved December 23, 1963.

District courts, venue. 62 Stat. 935; 76 Stat. 744.

Public Law 88-235 AN ACT

December 23, 1963

To revise the boundaries of Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, and for other purposes.

[H. R. 6756]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That the boundaries of Mesa Verde National P a r k are hereby revised to include the following described lands which, subject to valid existing rights, shall be administered as a part of the park in accordance with the Act entitled

Mesa Verde National Perk, Colo.