Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77.djvu/420

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[77 STAT. 388]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1963
[77 STAT. 388]


75 Stat. 429; ^^22 USC^ 2181

PUBLIC LAW 88-205-DEC. 16, 1963

[77 STAT.

" (j) No assistance under this Act shall be furnished to Indonesia unless the President determines that the furnishing of such assistance is essential to the national interest of the United States. The President shall keep the Foreign Relations Committee and the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives fully and currently informed of any assistance furnished to Indonesia under this Act. " (k) Until the enactment of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1964 or other general legislation, during the calendar year 1964, authorizing additional appropriations to carry out programs of assistance under this Act, no assistance shall be furnished under this Act to any country for construction of any productive enterprise with respect to which the aggregate value of such assistance to be furnished by the United States will exceed $100,000,000. No other provision of this Act shall be construed to authorize the President to waive the provisions of this subsection. " (1) No assistance shall be provided under this Act after December 31, 1965, to the government of any less developed country which has failed to enter into an agreement with the President to institute the investment guaranty program under section 221(b)(1) of this Act, providing protection against the specific risks of inconvertibility under subparagraph (A), and expropriation or confiscation under subparagraph (B), of such section 221(b)(1). "(m) No assistance shall be furnished on a grant basis under this Act to any economically developed nation capable of sustaining its own defense burden and economic gj-owth, except (1) to fulfill firm commitments made prior to July 1, 1963, or (2) additional orientation and training expenses under part II hereof during fiscal year 1964 in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000." CHAPTER 2—ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS

76^statr26^2!^' 22 USC 2381.

75 Stat. 447; 76 Stat.^262.

SEC. 302. Chapter 2 of part III of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, which relates to administrative provisions, is amended as follows: (a] Amend section 621, which relates to exercise of functions, by Striking out the last sentence thereof and substituting the following: "In providing technical assistance under this Act, uie head of any such agency or such officer shall utilize, to the fullest extent practicable, goods and professional and other services from private enterprise on a contract basis. I n such fields as education, health, housing, or agriculture, the facilities and resources of other Federal agencies shall be utilized when such facilities are particularly or uniquely suitable for technical assistance, are not competitive with private enterprise, and can be made available without interfering unauly with domestic programs." (b) Amend section 624, which relates to statutory officers, as foUoWS:

(1) I n subsection (a)(2) strike out "two shall have the rank of Deputy Under Secretaries" and substitute "one shall have the rank of a Deputy Under Secretary". (2) I n subsection (a)(3) strike out "nine" and substitute "ten". (3) I n subsection (b) strike out "paragraphs (2) and" and substitute "paragraph". (4) I n subsection (d)(1) after the words "Deputy Inspector General, Foreign Assistance," where they first appear insert "who shall be appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate,", and strike out "$19,500" and substitute "$20,000".