Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77.djvu/402

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[77 STAT. 370]
PUBLIC LAW 88-000—MMMM. DD, 1963
[77 STAT. 370]


PUBLIC LAW 88-204-DEC. 16, 1963 AMOUNT


[77 STAT.


SEC. 109. Upon his approval of any application for a grant under this title, the Commissioner shall reserve from the applicable allotment (including any applicable reallotment) available therefor, the amount of such grant, which (subject to the limits of such allotment or reallotment) shall be equal to the Federal share (ascertained by him under section 108(b)(3)) of the development cost of the project covered by such application. The Commissioner shall pay such reserved amount, in advance or by way of reimbursement, and in such installments consistent with construction progress, as he may determine. The Commissioner's reservation of any amount under this section may be amended by him, either upon approval of an amendment of the application covering such project or upon revision of the estimated development cost of a project with respect to which such reservation was made, and in the event of an upward revision of such estimated cost approved by him he may reserve the Federal share of the added cost only from the applicable allotment (or reallotment) available at the time of such approval. ADMINISTRATION



SEC. 110. (a) The Commissioner shall not finally disapprove any State plan submitted under this title, or any modification thereof, without first affording the State commission submitting the plan reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing. (b) Whenever the Commissioner, after reasonable notice and opportunity for hearing to the State commission administering a State plan approved under this title, finds— (1) that the State plan has been so changed that it no longer complies with the provisions of section 105(a), or (2) that in the administration of the plan there is a failure to comply substantially with any such provision, the Commissioner shall notify such State commission that the State will not be regarded as eligible to participate in the program under this title until he is satisfied that there is no longer any such failure to comply. JUDICIAL

62 Stat. 928.


SEC. 111. (a) If any State is dissatisfied with the Commissioner's final action with respect to the approval of its State plan submitted under section 105(a) or with his final action under section 110(b), such State may appeal to the United States court of appeals for the circuit in which such State is located. The summons and notice of appeal may be served at any place in the United States. The Commissioner shall forthwith certify and file in the court the transcript of the proceedings and the record on which he based his action. (b) The findings of fact by the Commissioner, if supported by substantial evidence, shall be conclusive; but the court, for good cause shown, may remand the case to the Commissioner to take further evidence, and the Commissioner may thereupon make new or modified findings of fact and may modify his previous action, and shall certify to the court the transcript and record of the further proceedings. Such new or modified findings of fact shall likewise be conclusive if supported by substantial evidence. (c) The court shall have jurisdiction to affirm the action of the Commissioner or to set it aside, in whole or in part. The judgment of the court shall be subject to review by the Supreme Court of the United States upon certiorari or certification as provided in title 28, United States Code, section 1254.