Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76A.djvu/562

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-466is issued, is chargeable with the publication of any matter contained therein. But in a prosecution for libel the defendant may show in his defense that the matter complained of was published without his knowledge or fault and against his wishes, by another who had no authority from him to make the publication and whose act was disavowed by him as soon as known. (b) The author of a libel in all cases is equally guilty and is subject to the same punishment as the publisher, owner or proprietor of the newspaper or other printed publication in which the libelous article appears. The punishment prescribed in section 1462 of this title is applicable to this section. § 1467. True reports of public and official proceedings (a) A prosecution for libel may not be maintained against a person, firm, or corporation, for the publication of a fair and true report of a judicial, legislative or other public and official proceedings, or for any heading of the report which is a fair and true headnote of the statement published. (b) Subsection (a) of this section does not apply to a libel contained in any other matter added by a person concerned in the publication; or in the report of anything said or done at the time and place of the public and official proceedings which was not a part thereof. § 1468. Other privileged communications A communication made to a person interested in the communication by one who was also interested, or who stood in such relation to the former as to afford a reasonable ground for supposing his motive innocent, is not presumed to be malicious and is a privileged communication. § 1469. Threatening to publish libel Whoever threatens another to publish a libel concerning him, or a parent, husband, wife or child of the person, or member of nis family, shall be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned in the penitentiary not more than five years, or both. § 1470. Offer to prevent publication, with intent to extort Whoever offers to prevent the publication of a libel upon another person, with intent to extort money or other valuable consideration from any person, shall be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned in the penitentiary not more than five years, or both. CHAPTER 77—LOTTERIES AND GAMBLING SUBCHAPTER I—LOTTEKIES

Sec. 1501. 1502. 1503. 1504. 1505. 1506. 1507.

"Lottery" and "lottery ticket" defined. Establishment or promotion of lottery. Selling ticlcets or being concerned in lottery as owner or agent. Publishing account of lottery. C?ausing ticlcets or advertisements to be brought in for distribution. Raffles or gift enterprises for charitable purposes. Proof upon trial for violation of lottery laws. SUBCHAPTER H — O A M B L I N Q

1531. Conducting gambling game for percentage. 1532. Possessing or permitting maintenance of gambling device or game. 1533. Possessing or permitting maintenance of slot or other gambling machine.