Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/674

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[76 Stat. 626]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 626]


PUBLIC LAW 87-703-SEPT. 27, 1962 A^'s.H.« ^a

7 USC 1371. 52 Stat. 64. 68 Stat. 904.

52 Stat. 68. l^ntl^p.^622.

[76 STAT.

peanuts, for trends in yields; (C) "ten calendar years in the case of wheat, and"; and (D) "in the case of corn, cotton, or peanuts,". SEC. 321. Section 371 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, is hereby amended as follows: (1) Subsection (a) is amended by deleting "corn, wheat," in the first sentence thereof. (2) TliB first senteiice of subsection (b) is amended by striking out "any national acreage allotment for corn or", "wheat," and "in order to effect the declared policy of this Act or". SEC. 322. Section 385 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, is hereby amended by inserting in the first sentence after "parity payment," the following: "payment under section 339,". SEC. 323. The amendments to the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, and to Public Law 74, Seventy-seventh Congress, as amended, made by sections 310 through 322 of this Act shall be in effect only with respect to programs applicable to the crops planted for harvest in the calendar year 1964 or any subsequent year and the marketing years beginning in the calendar year 1964, or any subsequent year. W H E A T M A R K E T I N G ALLOCATION PROGRAM

52 Stat. 38. 7 u" " 1301 et " ' se "'

SEC. 324. Title III of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, is hereby amended (1) by designating subtitles D and E as subtitles E and F, respectively, and (2) by inserting after subtitle C a new subtitle D as follows: "SUBTITLE D—^^VHEAT MARKETING ALLOCATION "LEGISLATI^T. FINDINGS

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"SEC. 379a. Wheat, in addition to being a basic food, is one of the great export crops of American agriculture and its production for domestic consumption and for export is necessary to the maintenance of a sound national economy and to the general welfare. The movement of wheat from producer to consumer, in the form of the commodity or any of the products thereof, is preponderantly in interstate and foreign commerce. Unreasonably low prices of wheat to producers impair their purchasing power for nonagricultural products and place them in a position of serious disparity with other industrial groups. The conditions affecting the production of wheat are such that without Federal assistance, producers cannot effectively prevent disastrously low prices for wheat." I t is necessary, in order to assist wheat producers in obtaining fair prices, to regulate the price of wheat used for domestic food and for exports in the manner provided in this subtitle. "WHEAT MARKETING ALLOCATION

"SEC. 379b. During any marketing year for which a marketing quota is in effect for wheat, beginning with the marketing year for the 1964 crop, a wheat marketing allocation program shall be in effect as provided in this subtitle. Whenever a wheat marketing allocation program is in effect for any marketing year the Secretary shall determine (1) the wheat marketing allocation for such year which shall be the amount of wheat which in determining the national marketing quota for such marketing year he estimated would be used during such year for human consumption in the United States, as food, food products, and beverages, composed wholly or partly of wheat, and that portion of the amount of wheat which in determining such quota he estimated would be exported in the form of wheat or products thereof during the marketing year on which the Secretary determines that marketing