Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/585

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[76 Stat. 537]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 537]

76 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 87-656-SEPT. 10, 1962


words "remove, transport,'"; (b) by inserting immediately after "designate," in such first sentence the following: "or to remove from place to place, or transport, the dead body, or any part thereof, of a human being, except; and (c) by inserting immediately after such first sentence of such sections the following: "Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding sentence, the Commissioners may, in their discretion, by regulation authorize (a) tissue banks operating pursuant to the District of Columbia Tissue Bank Act or (b) other persons subject to regulations made pursuant to such Act, or both, to remove, transport, and dispose of tissue taken from such dead body without such permit." SEC. 11. REMOVAL OF TISSUE IMMEDIATELY AFTER DEATH.—Section

()88 of the Act entitled "An Act to establish a code of laws for the District of Columbia", approved March 3, 1901 (31 U.S.C. 1298; sec. 27-125, D.C. Code, 1951 ed.), is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, whenever any person is pronounced dead by a physician duly licensed or duly registered under the Plealing Arts Practice Act of the District of (Wumbia (45 Stat. 1326; title 2, ch. 1, D.C. Code, 1951 ed.), tissue donated in accordance with the provisions of the District of Columbia Tissue Bank Act may be removed by or under the supervision of a person licensed under the authority of section 4 of such Act for preservation in a tissue bank operating pursuant to such Act, without regard for any time limitation, or for any permit or certificate requirement, established by this section: Provided, That with respect to a dead human body in the custody of the Coroner or under his jurisdiction, no tissue shall be removed therefrom for preservation except with the specific approval of the Coroner in each case."

3i Stat. i298.


in this Act shall be construed (1) to prohibit undertakers licensed pursuant to paragraph 44A of section 7 of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1903, and for other purposes", approved July 1, 1902, as amended (61 Stat. 711; sec. 47-2344a, D.C. Code, 1951 ed.), from discharging their duties, or (2) to prohibit or affect in any way the authority, duties, rights, or obligations vested, imposed, or granted by the Act entitled "An Act for the promotion of anatomical science and to prevent the desecration of graves in the District of Columbia", approved April 29, 1902 (32 Stat. 173, D.C. Code, 1951 ed., title 2, ch. 2). SEC. 13. COORDINATION OF ACT W I T H REORGANIZATION P L A N No. 5.—

Nothing in this Act shall be construed so as to affect the authority vested in the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia by Reorganization Plan Numbered 5 of 1952 (66 ^tat. 824). The per- D. C. code^tuie formance of any function vested by this Act in the Board of Commis- ^ ^PPsioners or in any office or agency under the jurisdiction and control of said Board of Commissioners may be delegated by said Board of Commissioners in accordance with section 3 of such plan. SEC. 14. EFFECTIVE DATE.—This Act, except section 4, shall take effect upon approval. Section 4 shall take effect sixty days after the Commissioners have initially promulgated regulations pursuant to such section. Approved September 10, 1962.