Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 76.djvu/1340

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[76 Stat. 1292]
PUBLIC LAW 87-000—MMMM. DD, 1962
[76 Stat. 1292]


PRIVATE LAW 87-362-APR. 27, 1962

[76 STAT.

Private Law 87-362 April 27, 1962 [S. 2319]

Capt. Harry E. Ellison.

AN ACT For the relief of Harry E. Ellison, captain. United States Army, retired.

Be it enacted by the Senate and Flouse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That H a r r y E. Ellison, captain, United States Army, retired (01797269), of Seattle, Washington, is hereby relieved of all liability for repayment to the United States of the sum of $3,998.54, representing the amount of overpayments of basic pay, foreign duty pay, and rental and subsistence allowances received by him for the period from September 10, 1942, through January 31, 1954, while he was serving as a member of the United States Army, such overpayments having been made as a result of administrative error. SEC. 2. The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the said Harry E. Ellison, the sum of any amounts received or withheld from him on account of the overpayments referred to in the first section of this Act. Approved April 27, 1962.

Private Law 87-363 April 27, 1962 [S. 2549]

Edward L. Wertheim.

AN ACT For the relief of Edward L. Wertheim. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs is authorized and directed to pay, out of any money available for medical care to veterans, to Edward L. Wertheim, of Douglaston, Long Island, New York, the sum of $314.07, in full satisfaction of all his claims against the United States for reimbursement of certain medical expenses which he incurred while receiving outpatient medical treatment during the period from November 14, 1959, through June 16, 1960, after his discharge from the Veterans' Administration Hospital, New York City, New York, on November 10, 1959, the said Edward L. Wertheim having failed to obtain an authorization for such outpatient treatment as a result of erroneous advice given him by an official of the United States. Approved April 27, 1962. Private Law 87-364

May 11, 1962 [H. R. 3008]

Horn Hong Hing. 66 Stat. 163. 8 USC 1101 note.

AN ACT For the relief of Hom Hong Hing, also known as Tommy Joe.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, for the purposes of the Immigration and Nationality Act, Hom Hong Hing, also known as Tommy Joe, shall be held and considered to have been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence as of the date of the enactment of this Act, upon payment of the required visa fee. Approved May 11, 1962.