Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 74.djvu/898

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[74 Stat. 858]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1960
[74 Stat. 858]

PUBLIC LAW 86-729-SEPT. 8, 1960

[74 S T A T.

thence upstream along the mean high water mark on the north or right bank of the Green River within said township and range and township 5 south, range 23 east, township 5 south, range 24 east, and township 4 south, range 24 east, to a point at its intersection with the south line of section 30, said township 4 south, range 24 east; thence easterly along the south lines of said section 30 and sections 29,28, and 27, said township and range, to the north quartersection corner of section 34 of said township and ran^e; thence southerly? along the north-south quarter-section lines of said section 34, said township 4 south, range 24 east, and section 3, township 5 south, range 24 east, to the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of said section 3; thence easterly along the east-west quarter-section lines of said section 3 and sections 2 and 1 of said township and range to the east quarter-section corner of said section 1; thence northerly along the east lines of said section 1, said township 5 south, range 24 east, and sections 36, 25, 24 and unsurveyed section 13, township 4 south, range 24 east, to the northeast corner of said unsurveyed section 13, said township and range; thence easterly along the south lines of sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and fractional section 12, township 4 south, range 25 east. Salt Lake meridian, Utah, to a point of the TJtah-Colorado State boundary line; thence southerly along the Utah-Colorado State boundary line, being the west line of fractional sections 11,14, and 23, fractional township 6 north, range 104 west, sixth principal meridian, Colorado, to the southwest corner of lot 12, said fractional section 23, said fractional township and range; thence easterly along the south one-sixteenth latitudinal section lines of said fractional section 23 and section 24, said fractional township and range, to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said section 24; thence southerly along the north-south quarter-section line of said section 24 to the south quarter-section corner of said section 24; thence easterly along the south lines of said section 24, said fractional township 6 north, range 104 west, and section 19, township 6 north, range 103 west, to the northwest corner of section 29, said township and range; thence southerly along the west line of said section 29 to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 29; thence easterly along the north one-sixteenth latitudinal section lines of said section 29 and section 28 of said township and range to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said section 28; thence southerly along the north-south quarter-section line of said section 28 to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the said section 28; thence easterly along the south one-sixteenth latitudinal section lines of said section 28 and section 27, said township and range, to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 26, said township and range; thence southerly along the west lines of said section 26 and section 35, said township and range, to the west quarter-section comer of said section 35;