Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 74.djvu/870

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[74 Stat. 830]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1960
[74 Stat. 830]


PUBLIC LAW 86-722-SEPT. 8, 1960

[74 S T A T.


For an additional amount for "Salaries and expenses", $125,000. UNITED STATES CITIZENS COMMISSION ON NATO

Ante, p. 819. 40 Stat. 1270.

For necessary expenses of the United States Citizens Commission on NATO, including personal services as authorized by section 3(4) of g J jj^g j^^Q without regard to civil service and classification laws; travel, subsistence, and other expenses of the Commission and its staff; hire of passenger motor vehicles; printing and binding without regard to section 11 of the Act of March 1, 1919 (44 U.S.C. I l l); $150,000, of which not to exceed $1,500 may be expended for entertainment. TREASURY DEPARTMENT BUREAU OF THE PUBLIC DEBT ADMINISTERINQ THE PUBLIC DEBT

Not to exceed $375j000 of the unobligated balance of the appropriation for "Administering the public debt," fiscal year 1960, shall remain available during the current fiscal year for expenses of advance refunding of the public debt. CLAIMS AND JUDGMENTS For payment of claims as settled and determined by departments and agencies in accord with law and judgments rendered against the United States by the United States Court of Claims and United States district courts, as set forth in House Document Numbered 452, Eighty-sixth Congress, $20,322,281, together with such amounts as may be necessary to pay interest (as and when specified in such judgments or provided by law) and such additional sums due to increases in rates of exchange as ma;^ be necessary to pay claims in foreign currency: Provided, That no judgment herein appropriated for shall be paid until it shall have become final and conclusive against the United States by failure of the parties to appeal or otherwise: Provided fur^ ther, That unless otherwise specifically required by law or by the judgment, payment of interest wherever appropriated for herein shall not continue for more than thirty days after the date of approval of this Act: Provided further, That not to exceed 10 per centum of the amount set forth in House Document Numbered 452 in connection with the claim of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene King shall be paid to or received by any agent or attorney on account of services rendered in connection with such claim, and any person violating this provision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $1,000. Approved September 8, 1960.