Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 74.djvu/290

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[74 Stat. 250]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1960
[74 Stat. 250]


PUBLIC LAW 86-534-JUNE 29, 1960

[74 S T A T.

Public Law 86-534 June 29. 1960 [H. J. Res. 696]

JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for the designation of the month of September 1960, as "National Wool Month".

Whereas September 1960 marks the two hmidredth anniversary of the recognition of wool production and wool manufacture in the United States as an industry; and Whereas from its humble beginning in the homes and on the farms of the colonists in the early 1600's, the American wool growing and textile industry has become an integral part of our national economy and one of our great industries with millions of citizens directly, or indirectly, dependent upon it, and representing more than $5,000,000,000 a year in the retail value of its products; and Whereas its nationwide scope is evidenced in that over three thousand of the three thousand and sixty-eight counties in the United States are involved in one or more wool production or textile operations, with wool grown in every State of the Union, including Alaska and Hawaii; and Whereas this great industry has been and is now facing severe competition from various sources, and is fighting in every way to preserve wool growing and wool manufacturing in the United States, it is most fitting that national recognition and support be given the wool industry: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Mo^fh/°"^^ ^°°^ States of America in Congress assembled, That the President is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation designating the month of September 1960 as "National Wool Month", and calling upon the people of the United States to observe such month with appropriate activities and ceremonies. Approved June 29, 1960. Public Law 86-535 JOINT RESOLUTION [ft J. [ft. Res. - — taking a supplemental appropriation for the Department of Labor for the 765] fiscal year ending June 30, 1960, and for other purposes. June 29, 1960

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Lrfjo^^D^'Srtmim ^^^^^^ ^t ^'merica in Congress assembled, That the following sum is >^propriation Act, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro^^^' priated, for the Department of Labor for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1960, namely: DEPARTMENT OF LABOR BuKEAU OF EMPLOYMENT



For an additional amount for "Unemployment compensation for veterans and Federal employees", $6,000,000. Approved June 29, 1960.