Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 74.djvu/144

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[74 Stat. 104]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1960
[74 Stat. 104]


PUBLIC LAW 86-455-MAY 13, 1960



Public Law 86-455 May 13, 1960 [H. R. 10401]

Department of Interior and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1961.

AN ACT Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Seriate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961, namely: TITLE I—DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENTAL OFFICES OFFICE OF SALINE WATER

Salaries and Expenses 66 Stat. 328; 69 Stat. 198.

For expenses necessary to carry out provisions of the Act of July 3, 1952, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1951-1958), authorizing studies of the conversion of saline water for beneficial consumptive uses, $1,355,000. CONSTRUCTION

42 USC 1958a.

For an additional amount for construction of demonstration plants for the production of water suitable for agricultural, industrial, municipal, and other beneficial consumptive uses, as authorized by the Act of September 2, 1958 (72 Stat. 1706), $2,040,000, to remain available until September 3, 1965. OFFICE OF O I L AND GAS SALARIES A N D EXPENSES

For necessary expenses to enable the Secretary to discharge his responsibilities with respect to oil and gaSj including cooperation with the petroleum industry and State authorities in the production, processing, and utilization of petroleum and its products, and natural gas, $480,000. OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR SALARIES A N D

5 USC 1001 note.


For necessary expenses of the Office of the Solicitor, $3,248,000, and in addition, not to exceed $130,000 may be reimbursed or transferred to this appropriation from other accounts available to the Department of the Interior: Provided, That hearing officers appointed for Indian probate work need not be appointed pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act (60 Stat. 237), as amended. OFFICE OF MINERALS EXPLORATION SALARIES A N D


For expenses necessary to provide a program for the discovery of the minerals reserves of the United States, its Territories and possessions, by encouraging exploration for minerals, including administration of contracts entered into prior to June 30, 1958, under section 303