Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/732

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[73 Stat. 694]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1959
[73 Stat. 694]


PUBLIC LAW 86-376-8EPT. 23, 1969

[73 STAT.

Public Law 86-375 September 23, 1959 AN ACT [H. R. 5711] G r a n t i n g the consent and approval of Congress to the AVabash Valley Compact, and for related purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the c^pac^t.*^*"*^ United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress is hereby given to the States of Illinois and Indiana for the compact, known as the Wabash Valley Compact (Laws of Indiana, 1959, chapter 3, approved February 26, 1959, House Enrolled Act No. 22; Laws of Illinois, 1959, approved March 20, 1959, Senate Bill Xo. 78), in the form as follo^ys: " THE WABASH VALLEY COMPACT "ARTICLE




"The party states find that the Wabash Valley has sujffered from a lack of comprehensive planning for the optimal use of its human and natural resources and that underutilization and inadequte benefits from its potential wealth are likely to continue until there is proper organization to encourage and facilitate coordinated development of the Wabash Valley as a region and to relate its agricultural, industrial, commercial, recreational, transportation, development and other problems to the opportunities in the Valley. To this end it is the purpose of the party states to recognize and provide for such development and coordination and to establish an agency of the party states with powers sufficient and appropriate to further regional planning for the Valley. "ARTICLE II ('i


"As used in this compact^ the term 'Wabash Valley' shall mean the Wabash River, its tributaries and all land drained by said river and tributaries, to whatever extent they lie within the party states. "ARTICLE



" (a) There is hereby created an agency of the party states to be known as the Wabash Valley Interstate Commission (hereinafter called the Commission). The Commission shall be composed of seven Commissioners from each party state designated or appointed in accordance with the law of the state which they represent and serving and subject to removal in accordance with such law. The federal overnment may be represented w ithout vote if provision is made by ederal law for such representation. "(b) The Commissioners of the party states shall each be entitled to one vote in the Commission. No action of the Commission shall be binding unless taken at a meeting in which a majority of the members from each party state are present and unless a majority of those from each state concur, provided that any action not binding for such a reason may be ratified within thirty days by the concurrence of a majority of each state. I n the absence of any Commissioner, his vote may be cast by another representative or Commis-
