Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/61

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[73 Stat. 23]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1959
[73 Stat. 23]




PUBLIC LAW 86-23-MAY 13, 1959

Public Law 86-22 AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of Defense to lend certain Anny, Navy, and Air Force equipment and provide certain services to the Boy Scouts of America for use at the Fifth National Jamboree of the Boy Scouts of America, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) the Secretary of Defense is hereby authorized, under such reguhitions as he may prescribe, to lend to the Boy Scouts of America, a corporation created under the Act of June 15, 1916, for the use and accommodation of the approximately fifty thousand Scouts and officials who are to attend the Fifth National Jamboree of the Boy Scouts of America to be held as a part of the celebration of their fiftieth anniversary of service to the youth of the Nation during the period beginning in June 1960, and ending August 1960 at Colorado Springs, Colorado, such tents, cots, blankets, commissary equipment, flags, refrigerators, vehicles, and other equipment and services as may be necessary or useful to the extent that items are in stock and available and their issue will not jeopardize the national defense program. (b) Such equipment is authorized to be delivered at such time prior to the holding of such jamboree, and to be returned at such time after the close of such jamboree, as may be agreed upon by the Secretary of Defense and the National Council, Boy Scouts of America. No expense shall be incurred by the United States Government for the delivery, return, rehabilitation, or replacement of such equipment. (c) The Secretary of Defense, before delivering such property, shall take from the Boy Scouts of America a good and sufficient bond for the safe return of such property in good order and condition, and the whole without expense to the United States. SEC. 2. The Secretary of Defense is hereby authorized, under such regulations as he may provide, to permit, without expense to the United States Government, the Boy Scouts of America to use such services and portions of the lands and buildings of the United States Air Force Academy adjacent to such encampment as may be necessary, or useful, to the extent that their use will not interfere with the activities of such Academy, and will not jeopardize the national defense program. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted that the various and several departments of the Federal Government are hereby authorized under such regulations as may be prescribed by their Secretaries to assist the Boy Scouts of America in the carrying out and the fulfillment of the plans for the celebration of their fiftieth anniversary and the Fifth National Jamboree. Approved May 13, 1959.

May 13, 1959 [H. R. 7]

Boy S c o u t s of America. National Jamboree. 39 Stat. 227. 36 USC 21-29. Equipment.


Agency ance.


Public Law 86-23 AN ACT To authorize the construction of modern naval vessels.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President is authorized to undertake the construction of not to exceed twenty thousand tons of amphibious warfare vessels and landing craft and not to exceed four thousand tons of patrol vessels.

May 13, 1959 [H. R. 3293]
