Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/293

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[73 Stat. 255]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1959
[73 Stat. 255]

73 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 86-108-JULY 24, 1959

(j) Amend section 537, which relates to provisions on uses of funds, as follows: (1) I n paragraph (5) of subsection (a), strike out "$3,300" and substitute "S3 500" (2) I n subsection (c), strike out "$26,000,000" and substitute "$27,750,000". (3) Amend subsection (f) to read as follows: "(f) During the annual presentation to the Congress of requests for authorizations and appropriations under this Act, there shall be submitted a detailed report on the assistance to be furnished, country-bycountry, under title I of chapter II, and under section 400(a), of this Act. The report with respect to each country shall contain a clear and detailed explanation of the proposed level of aid for such country, and shall include a listing of all significant factors considered, and the methods used, in determining the level of aid for such country; the reason for including each such factor and an explanation of the manner in which each of such factors is related to the specific dollar figure which constitutes the proposed level of aid for each such country. I n addition, with respect to assistance proposed to be furnished under title I of chapter II of this Act, the report shall contain a clear and detailed explanation on a country-by-country basis of the determination of the particular level of forces to be supported by the proposed request for authorization and appropriation for military assistance, the factors considered and methods used in arriving at each country determinination, and where the level of forces supported by military assistance differs from the total level of forces maintained in any such country, an explanation, in detail, of the reason for the difference in such level of forces." (k) I n section 543(d), which relates to saving provisions, strike out the words between "repealed" and "shall" in the first sentence and substitute "subsequent to the time such funds are appropriated"; insert "or subsequent Acts" after "1957" both times it appears in the second sentence; and strike out the last sentence. (1) Section 549, which relates to special provisions on availability of funds, is repealed. (m) After section 549 add the following new sections: "SEC. 550. INFORMATION POLICY.—The President shall, in the reports required by section 534, or in response to requests from Members of the Congress or inquiries from the public, make public all information concerning the mutual security program not deemed by him to be incompatible with the security of the United States. "SEC.

255 22 USC 1797. 7ostat. sei. ^2 Stat. 270. ^^ ^*** ^°'

^j ^^^^ ^^^J22 USC 1926.

22 USC i84i.

22 USC i768.

f|^^* i7S9a.


AUTHORITY.—The authority contained in sections 403, 451, and 501 of ^2 s^«|-^266^, this Act shall not be used to augment appropriations made pursuant to 1951, 1753, is' sections 103(b), 408, 411(b), and 411(c) or used otherwise to finance ^^^*' '^^'• activities which normally would be financed from appropriations for administrative expenses." CHAPTER V—INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION I N HEALTH; COLOMBO PLAN COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL COOPERATION INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION I N HEALTH

SEC, 501. (a) The Congress of the United States recognizes that large areas of the world are being ravaged by diseases and other health deficiencies which are causing widespread suffering, debility, and death, and are seriously deterring the efforts of peoples in such areas to develop their resources and productive capacities and to improve