Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/1047

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[73 Stat. D77]
[73 Stat. D77]



^^^^ Intergovernmental Relations, Advisory ^^^^ Interior, Department of the—Continued L and conveyances—Continued Commission on: Isleta, N. Mex 21 Appropriation for 724 Kings Mountain National Military Establishment 703 Park, S.C 108 Interior, Department of the: M o n t e z u m a Castle National MonuAdministrative Assistant Secretary, ment, Ariz 108 salary 651 M o u n t Vernon Memorial Highway, Alaska International Rail and Highway Commission, designation of repreVa 71 sentative on 161 Navajo County, Ariz A56 Public lands to State and local governAlaska Omnibus Act 143, 146, 151 m e n t s for recreational purposes- 571 Appropriation j^ct 92 Quinault Indian Tribe, Wash 427 Appropriation for 45, 57, 92, 442, 494, 725 San J u a n National Historic Site, conBonneville Power Administration, advey an cc of certain portion 414 ministrative provisions, construction, etc., appropriation for 57, 497 Santo Domingo, N. Mex 17 Boy Scouts of America Memorial in Wright Brothers National Memorial, District of Columbia, selection of N.C 91 site 261 Yalobusha County, Miss A85 Byrd, Rear Admiral Richard E., meLand Management, Bureau of—• morial, selection of site; maintenance— 569 American Falls Irrigation District Clemson Agricultural College, S.C., N u m b e r e d Two, reimbursement conveyance of mineral interests in for bridge d a m a g e; limitation 45 certain lands to 333 Appropriation for 44, 45, 93, 442 Commercial Fisheries, Bureau of, a p Migratory marine fish in United States propriation for 57, 99 waters, conservation research auConsolidation of activities, use of funds thorized-. 642 for 498 Minerals Exploration, Office of, approCoos Bay Wagon R o a d g r a n t lands, priation for 92 Oreg., lease 110 Minerals Mobilization, Office of, approDistrict of Columbia stadium, construcpriation for 57 tion of parking area facilities, Mines, Bureau of— authorization 702 Appropriation for 57, 97 Electric power and energy, continuing Health and safety, appropriation for fund for purchase 498 promotion of... 57,97 Emergency reconstruction, funds availSale of products manufactured in pilot able for . 102, 498 plants, authorized 97 Fire prevention, funds available for_. 102, 498 Minute M a n National Historical Park, Fish and Wildlife Service. See separate Mass.— title. Acquisition and administration of General provisions. Appropriation Acts_ 102, additional lands 591 498 Advisory commission, appointment - 591 Geological Survey, appropriation for - . 5 7, 9 6 Preservation of historic sites; coopIndians. See separate title. erative agreements with State 591 Land conveyances— Mudd, Dr. Samuel Alexander, memorial, C a t a w b a Indian Tribe, S.C., surveys, Garden Key, Fla., authority to etc 593 erect 575 Chickasaw Indian lands, Okla 420 National Monuments and Memorials. Choctaw Indian lands, t)kla 420 See separate title. Columbia Basin project lands, W a s h. 87 National Park Service— Edison Laboratory National MonuAppropriation for 45, 57, 98 ment, N. J 87 Construction, appropriation for; reEverglades National Park, Fla., land striction 98 exchanges within 553 Franklin Delano Roosevelt MemoH u n t l e y Project Schools, Yellowstone rial, advice and assistance 446 County, M o n t 548 Independence National Historical President Adams Parkway, Mass., Park, P a 88, 556 survey 598 Indians, transfers to Surgeon General Yorktown Monument, provision refor sanitation facilities 267 specting completion of 98