Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/1037

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[73 Stat. D67]
[73 Stat. D67]


SUBJECT INDEX Foreign Currencies—Continued ^^^^ Sale of surplus agricultural commodities for— Commodity Credit Corporation, reimbursement 35, 178, 606 E a r m a r k i n g of funds, extension 260 Foreign Agricultural Service 35, 173 Use of— American-sponsored schools and libraries, authorized 249 Educational development; audio visual materials 607 E x p o r t - I m p o r t Bank of Washington, funds available under Agricult u r a l Trade Development Assistance Act of 1954 722 Family housing a t military installations 305, 310, 317 Federal agencies, restriction 166 Medical and scientific research 607 Military construction 324 Restrictions 606 Science and research under m u t u a l security program 249, 258 Strategic materials, purchase 607 Foreign Service: Automobiles, replacement, cost limitation 182 Emergency expenses in Diplomatic and Consular Service, appropriation for 49, 183 Household and personal effects, payment of certain transportation and storage costs 187 Retirement and disability fund, a p p r o priation for 183 Foreign Service Act of 1946, Amendment, assignment of reserve officers, extension 257 Fi^'est Service: Appropriation for 36, 103, 440 G e n e r a l provisions. Appropriation Act_ 104 Mississippi, authority to sell property in Yalobusha, Chickasaw, and P o n to toc Counties 105 National Forests. See separate title. Publicity or p r o p a g and a, use of funds for, restriction 105 Research, appropriation for 440 Roads and trails, appropriation for 440 Twine, restriction on purchase 105 Forests, National. See National Forests. Former Presidents of the United States, allowances and office space, a p p r o priation for 506 Fort Walton Beach, Fla., land conveyance. 423 Fort Washington, Md., restriction on National P a r k Service funds for construction 98 France, immigration quota, proclamation_

Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Commission: Appropriation for Reservation of site; design; reports

-^"^^ 724 445


Gallaudet College, D.C., appropriation for. 344 Games, Athletic, admissions tax, exemption 590 Garnishment Laws, D.C., revision 275 Gasoline, taxes, excise, temporary increase 613 General Accounting Office: Appropriation for 55, 504 Comptrollers General— Annuties for widows and dependent children of 197 Miller Act, certain responsibilities under, relief 279 Contracts for military construction exempted from competitive requirements, auditing methods 319 Disbursing officers of the uniformed services, accountability for certain payments, relief 359 T r u s t Territory of the Pacific Islands, a u d i t of financial transactions 101 General Agreement on TariflTs and Trade. See Trade Agreement Proclamations under Proclamations. General Edgar Jadwin Dam and Reservoir, Lackawaxen River Basin, Pa., redesignation of Dyberry D a m and Reservoir as 600 General George Washington Statue, presentation to people of Uruguay by Secretary of State 620 General Government Matters Appropriation Act, 1960 161 Temporary appropriations 159 General Services Administration: Abaca fiber program, administrative expenses, limitation 55, 515 Administrative operations fund, authorization; limitations 507 Administrator, Office of, appropriation for 43, 506 Appropriation for 43, 55, 504 Federal Facilities Corporation, administrative expenses, limitation 55, 515 Federal Office Building N u m b e r e d Six, D.C., construction, transfer of funds 507 Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949. See separate title. Federal Supply Service, appropriation for 55, 505 Federally owned buildings, repair and c60 improvement 505