Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/748

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[71 Stat. 62]
[71 Stat. 62]


PRIVATE LAW 85-163-AUG. 14, 1957



Private Law 85-163 August 14, 1957 [H. R. 1701]

Abram van Heyningen Hartendorp. 54 Stat. 1170. 8 USC 801 note.

66 Stat. 239. 8 USC 1421, 1448.

AN ACT For the relief of Abram van Heyningen Hartendorp.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Abram van Heyningen Hartendorp, who lost United States citizenship under the provisions of section 404(c) of the Nationality Act of 1940, may be naturalized by taking, prior to one year after the effective date of this Act, before any court referred to in subsection (a) of section 310 of the Immigration and Nationality Act or before any diplomatic or consular officer of the United States abroad, the oaths prescribed by section 337 of the said Act. From and after naturalization under this Act, the said Abram van Heyningen Hartendorp shall have the same citizenship status as that which existed immediately prior to its loss. Approved August 14, 1957. Private Law 85-164

August 14, 1957 [H. R. 5081]

Capt. Thomas e. e u r t i s and eapt. George L. Lane.

AN ACT For the relief of Captain Thomas C. Curtis and Captain George L, Lane.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Captain Thomas C. Curtis, Army service number 0965919, and Captain George L. Lane, Army service number 0949474, both of The Adjutant General's Corps, United States Army Reserve, are hereby respectively relieved of liability to repay to the United States the sums of $54, received from April 13, 1949, to July 31, 1949, and $524.50, received from August 1, 1949, to January 31, 1954, which sums represent amounts paid to them for the performance of administrative duties as division pay officers of the 102d Infantry Division, Army Reserve. I n the audit and settlement of the account of any disbursing officer of the United States, full credit shall be given for the amounts for which liability is relieved by this Act. Approved August 14, 1957. Private Law 85-165

August 14, 195/ [H. R. 5341]

John J. Farrelly.

AN ACT For the relief of John J. Farrelly,

Be it enacted by the Sermte and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to grant to John J. Farrelly, Saint Louis, Missouri, or his assignees, extensions for a period of three years, seven months, and nine days, beginning September 1, 1957, with respect to certain oil and gas leases heretofore granted by the United States and identified as Denver 053930, 053931, 053934, 057169-A, and as Colorado 01233 and 01246. No annual rental payment shall be required with respect to any extension granted under this Act but no extension shall be granted by this Act with respect to any lease on which rental payments due on the date of approval of this Act are not paid within ninety days thereafter. Approved August 14, 1957.