Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/66

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[71 Stat. 30]
[71 Stat. 30]


PUBLIC LAW 85-32-MAY 16, 1957



Public Law 85-32 May 16, 1957 [S. J. R e s. 22]

JOINT RESOLUTION Requesting the President to designate the third Friday of May of each year as National Defense Transportation Day.

Whereas the United States of America has the greatest transportation system ever developed and maintained anywhere in the world, and it is of the greatest importance that it be so recognized and maintained; and Whereas the growth and development of all of the areas of the United States, the expansion of our commerce, trade, and cultural relations among the various sections of our country and with the nations of the world, are directly attributable to and their continuance dependent upon the transportation mobility of our people and the products of our farms and factories, serving adequately and effectively all our people; and Whereas this great transportation system, by land, by sea, and in the air, has been so expansive and comprehensive as to become somewhat commonplace in its acceptability, and the true importance and significance of this great transportation system in the community life and security of all our people, and as a bulwark in support of the Armed Forces in a national emergency or preparedness in the defense of our country, is not given the full recognition to which this national development is entitled; and AVhereas without effective transportation, all logistic effort collapses, and without effective logistics, all defense collapses: Now, therefore, be it

National Defense Transportation Day.

Resolved by the Senate mid House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States is authorized and requested annually to issue a proclamation designating the third Friday of May of each year as National Defense Transportation Day, and urging the people of the United States, including labor, management, users, and investors, in all communities served by any of the various forms of transportation by land, by sea, and by air, to observe this occasion by appropriate ceremonies which will give full recognition to the importance to each and every community and the people thereof of our transportation system and the maintenance of its facilities in the most modern state of adequacy to serve our needs in times of peace and in national defense. Approved May 16, 1967.

Public Law 85-33 May 16, 1957 [H. J. R e s. 287]

S h o s h o n e reclamation pro j e c t, Wyoming. Water delivery.

JOINT RESOLUTION Permitting the Secretary of the Interior to continue to deliver water to lands in the Heart Mountain division, Shoshone Federal Reclamation project, Wyoming.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assemMed^ That pending completion of a repayment contract the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to continue to deliver water to the lands in the Heart Mountain division, Shoshone Federal reclamation project, Wyoming, during the calendar years 1957 and 1958, as under the provisions of section 9, subsection (d)(1), of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939 (53 Stat. 1187, 1195j 43 U.S.C. 485h (d)) but without regard to the time limitation therein specified. Approved May 16, 1957.