Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/61

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[71 Stat. 25]
[71 Stat. 25]


PUBLIC LAW 85-24-APR. 25. 1957



«ARTICLE VII. "The signatory states agree to appropriate for compensation of agents and employees of the commission for office, administrative, travel and other expenses on recommendation of the commission subject to limitations as follows:—The Commonwealth of Massachusetts obligates itself to not more than seventeen thousand five hundred dollars for the first year and to not more than fourteen thousand dollars in any one year thereafter, the State of New Hampshire obligates itself to not more than seven thousand five hundred dollars for the first year and to not more than six thousand dollars in any one year thereafter. u ARTICLE V n i.

"Should any part of this compact be held to be contrary to the constitution of either signatory state or of the United States, all other parts thereof shall continue to be in full force and effect. n ARTICLE IX.

"This compact shall become operative and effective when ratified by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of New Hampsnire, and approved by the Congress of the United States. Notice of ratification shall be given by the governor of each state to the governor of the other state and to the President of the United States, and the President of the United States is requested to give notice to the governors of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of New Hampshire of approval by the Congress of the United States." S E C 2. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is expressly reserved. Approved April 23, 1957.

Public Law 85-24 -•>.fo



To prohibit the payment of pensions to persons confined in penal institutions for periods longer than sixty days.

i^pril 25. 1957 [H. R. 71]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That no pension Pen sic under public or private laws administered by the Veterans' Adminis- prfs'onSrs! tration shall be paid to or for an individual who has been imprisoned '*"• ^* in a Federal, State, or local penal institution as the result of conviction of a felony or misdemeanor for any part of the period beginning sixtyone days after his imprisonment begins and en<nng when his imprisonment ends. S E C 2. (a) Where any veteran is disqualified for pension for any orVeterans' w i v e s children. period solely by reason of the first section of this Act, the Administrator may apportion and pay to his Avife or children the pension which such veteran would receive for that period but for this Act. (b) Where any widow or child of a veteran is disqualified for pension for any period solely by reason of the first section of this Act, the Administrator may ([1) if the widow is disqualified, pay to the child, or children, the pension which would be payable if there were no such widow or (2) if a child is disqualified, pay to the widow the pension which would be payable if there were no such child. S E C 3. This Act shall take effect on the first day of the second Effective date. calendar month which begins after the date of its enactment. Approved April 25, 1957.