Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/91

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[70 Stat. 35]
[70 Stat. 35]


PUBLIC LAW 428-MAR. 2, 1956

70 S T A T. ]

Public Law 427


Relating to Maryland tobacco acreage allotments and marketing quotas.

March 2, 1956 [H. J. Re8. 52i]_

Be-solved by the Senate and Tloune of Rejn-esentatives of the United States of America in GonqveHs assembled. That, notvrithstandine; any


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acreage allots

other provision of hiw and the proclamation by the becretary oi ments and marketAgriculture of a national marketing quota for Maryland tobacco for "^^ <i"°taa. the 1956-1957 marketing year pursuant to section 312 of the Agricul- 69 Stat. 557. tural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, and the State and farm 7 USC 1312. acreage allotments established pursuant thereto, the 1956 State acreage allotments of Maryland tobacco proclaimed by the Secretary of Agriculture (20 Federal Register 8847) shall be increased so as to result in a State adjustment factor for each State under section 7 CFR 727.717. 727.717 of the Maryland tobacco marketing quota regulations, 19561957 marketing year, issued by the Secretary of Agriculture (20 Federal Register 6069), equal to 1.0, and all 1956 farm acreage allotments of Maryland tobacco shall be redetermined on the basis of such State adjustment factor. The production from the increased acreage required by this resolution shall be in addition to the national marketing quota for the 1956-1957 marketing year. Approved March 2, 1956. Public Law 428


AN ACT To release certain restrictions on certain real property heretofore granted to the city of Charleston, South Carolina, by the United States of America.

March 2, 1956 [H. R. 2430]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That with respect Charleston, S. C. Property restricto the restrictions and conditions required by section 2 of the Act t i o n s, e t c., re« entitled " A n Act authorizing the Secretary of Commerce to convey lease. the Charleston Army Base Terminal to the city of Charleston, South Carolina", approved May 27, 1936 (49 Stat. 1387), which restrictions and conditions prohibited the city of Charleston from transferring title to the property conveyed under that Act and reserved a right to the United States to retake such property in the event of a national emergency (and which restrictions and conditions were included in deed executed pursuant to such Act, the Secretary of the Army is hereby authorized, in exchange for a minimum four hundred and seventy foot extension at the north end of the existing one thousand foot reinforced concrete wharf of the Charleston Transportation Depot, and the installation on the extension of rail trackage with necessary adjustments to connect with the rail trackage of the existing wharf, to be constructed by the said city of Charleston, South Carolina, or its lessee, the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company, in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Secretary of the Army, to release to the city of Charleston, South Carolina, by an appropriate written instrument, such restrictions and conditions so far as they pertain to the portion of the tract of land conveyed pursuant to such Act of May 27, 1936, which is commonly known as tract 12, and is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the west harbor line of the Cooper River (which point is south 41 degrees 31 minutes 30 seconds west a distance of 13.2 feet from the southernmost corner of the concrete dock, formerly the dock of the Charleston Quartermaster Intermediate Depot,