Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/803

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[70 Stat. 747]
[70 Stat. 747]




LtAW 854-JULY 31, 1956


service rendered prior to, on, or after the effective date of the Civil Service Retirement Act Amendments of 1956 as United States Commissioner shall be credited for the purposes of this Act on the basis of one three-hundred-and-thirteenth of a year for each day on which such United States Commissioner renders service in such capacity and which is not credited for the purposes of this Act for service performed by him in any capacity other than United States Commissioner. Such credit shall not be granted for service rendered as United States Commissioner for more than three hundred and thirteen days in any one year. "(j) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, any mili- afj^,^"fc^. fgse!*'* tary service (other than military service covered by military leave with pay from a civilian position) performed by an individual after December 1956 shall be excluded in determining the aggregate period of service upon which an annuity payable under this Act to such individual or to his widow or child is to be based, if such individual or widow or child is entitled (or would upon proper application be entitled), at the time of such determination, to monthly old-age or survivors benefits tinder section 202 of the Social Security Act based ^l f}^^' /Q^S* on such individual's wages and self-employment income. If in the case of the individual or widow such military service is not excluded under the preceding sentence, but upon attaining retirement age (as defined in section 216(a) of the Social Security Act) he or she becomes 42 USC 416. entitled (or would upon proper application be entitled) to such benefits, the Commission shall redetermine the aggregate period of service upon which such annuity is based, effective as of the first day of the month in which he or she attains such age, so as to exclude such service. The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare shall, upon the request of the Commission, inform the Commission whether or not any such individual or widow or child is entitled at any specified time to such benefits. "DEDUCTIONS AND DEPOSITS

"SEC. 4. (a) From and after the first day of the first pay period which begins on or after the effective date of the Civil Service Retirement Act Amendments of 1956, there shall be deducted and withheld from each employee's basic salary an amount equal to 6i/^ per centum of such basic salary and from each Member's basic salary an amount equal to 7i/^ per centum of such basic salary. From and after the first day of the first pay period which begins after June 30, 1957, an equal sum shall also be contributed from the respective appropriation or fund which is used for payment of his salary, pay or compensation, or in the case of an elected official, from such appropriation or fund as may be available for payment of other salaries of the same office or establishment. The amounts so deducted and withheld by each department or agency, together with the amounts so contributed, shall, in accordance with such procedures as may be prescribed by the Comptroller General of the United States, be deposited by the department or agency in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the fund. There shall also be so credited all deposits made by employees or Members under this section. Amounts contributed under this subsection from appropriations of the Post Office Department shall not be considered as costs of providing postal service for the purpose of establishing postal rates. " (b) Each employee or Member shall be deemed to consent and ductil.n's?* *° ***" agree to such deductions from basic salary, and payment less such deductions shall be a full and complete discharge and acquittance of all claims and demands whatsoever for all regular services during the