Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/754

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[70 Stat. 698]
[70 Stat. 698]


Disposal of improvetnents.

National e m e r gency.

Reservations and conditions.

PUBLIC LAW 8 2 0 - J U L Y 27, 1956

U. S. Army and Air Force. M i l e a g e pay ments.

C r e d i t s in accounts.


the purposes intended, then title thereto shall immediately revert to the United States, and in addition, all improvements made by the State of Texas during its occupancy shall vest in the United States without payment of compensation therefor. SEC. 4. Nothing in this Act shall prevent the State of Texas from disposing of or salvaging the improvements now located on the land to be conveyed. SEC. 5. The conveyance of the property authorized by this Act shall be upon the further provision that whenever the Congress of the United States declares a state of war or other national emergency, or the President declares a state of emergency, and upon the determination by the Secretary of Defense that the property conveyed under this Act is useful or necessary for military, air, or naval purposes, or in the interest of national defense, the United States shall have the right, without obligation to make payment of any kind, to reenter upon the property and use the same or any part thereof, including any and all improvements made thereon by the State of Texas, for the duration of such state of war or of such emergency. Upon the termination of such state of war or of such emergency plus six months such property shall revert to the State of Texas, together with all appurtenances and utilities belonging or appertaining thereto. SEC. 6. In executing the deed of conveyance authorized by this Act, the Secretary of the Army or his designee shall include specific provisions covering the reservations and conditions contained in sections 2,3,4, and 5 of this Act. Approved July 27, 1956.

Public Law 820 July 27, 1956 [H. R. 7121]


C H A P T E R 754

AN ACT To validate payments of mileage made to United States Army and Air Force personnel pursuant to permanent change of station orders anthorizin;; travel by commercial aircraft, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all payments of mileage made to United States Army and Air Force personnel in accordance with Department of the Army and Department of the Air Force instructions during the period January 1, 1950, through March ol, 1951, inclusive, for travel performed by commercial aircraft pursuant to permanent change of station orders authorizing travel by commercial aircraft, except those for which repayment has been effected, be validated notwithstanding the provisions of section 12 of the Pay Readjustment Act of 1942 (56 Stat. 364), as amended by section 203 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (60 Stat. 859), in effect when the travel involved was performed. SEC. 2. The Comptroller General of the United States, or his designee, shall relieve disbursing officers, including special disbursing agents, of the Army and the Air Force from accountability or responsibility for any payments validated by this Act, and shall allow credits in the settlement of the accounts of such officers or agents for such payments which appear to be free from fraud or collusion. Approved July 27, 1956.