Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/490

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[70 Stat. 434]
[70 Stat. 434]


PUBLIC LAW 635-JUNE 29, 1956

[70 S T A T.


Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance: For necessary expenses, including the purchase of one passenger motor vehicle for replacement only; and payments, not to exceed $3,800, to Bureau employees to reimburse such employees for expenses incurred by reason of the failure to relocate the Bureau in the District of Columbia; not more than $97,000,000 may be expended from the Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund: Provided, That such amounts as are required shall be available to pay the cost of necessary travel incident to medical examinations for verifying disabilities of individuals who file applications for disability determinate u#c 4"u'422. tions under title II of the Social Security Act, as amended: Provided further, That hereafter funds available for administrative expenses of the Bureau shall be available for payment of rent for quarters for district offices in the District of Columbia. Advances to States, next succeeding fiscal year: For making, after May 31 of the current fiscal year, advances to States under section 221 42us^c'42u (^) ^^ ^^1^ Social Security Act, as amended, for the first quarter of the next succeeding fiscal year, such sums as may be necessary from the above authorization may be expended from the Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund. Grants to States for public assistance: For grants to States for old-age assistance, aid to dependent children, aid to the blind, and aid to the permanently and totally disabled, as authorized in titles 1, IV, X, and X IV of the Social Security Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. stS. llsV"^' ^^ ^'h- "^^ subchs. I, IV, X, and X IV), $1,300,000,000, of which such amount as m a j be necessary shall be available for grants for any period in the prior fiscal year subsequent to March 31 of that year. Salaries and expenses. Bureau of Public Assistance: For expenses necessary for the Bureau of Public Assistance, $1,748,000. Salaries and expenses. Children's Bureau: For necessary expenses in carrying out the Act of April 9, 1912, as amended (42 U.S.C. ch. 6), and title V of the Social Security Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 49 itau 629.

  • ^^- ^' subch. V), iucluding purchase of reports and material for the

publications of the Children's Bureau and of reprints for distribution, $1,822,000: Provided, That no part of any appropriation contained in this title shall be used to promulgate or carry out any instructions, order, or regulation relating to the care of obstetrical cases which discriminate between persons licensed under State law to practice obstetrics: Provided further, That the foregoing proviso shall not be so construed as to prevent any patient from having the services of any practitioner of her own choice, paid for out of this fund, so long as State laws are complied with: Provided further, That any State plan which provides standards for professional obstetrical services in accordance with the laws of the State shall be approved. Grants to States for maternal and child welfare: For grants to States for maternal and child-health services, services for crippled children, and child-welfare services as authorized in title V, parts 1, 2, and 3, of the Social Security Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. ch. 7, 49 Stat. 629. g^^^j^ y) ^ $39^361,000, of which $15,000,000 shall be available for services for crippled children, $16,000,000 for maternal and child health services, and $8,361,000 for child welfare services: Provided, That any allotment to a State pursuant to section 502(b) or 512 (b) of such Act shall not be included in computing for the purposes of 704^"i^ 702,712, gubgections (a) and (b) of sections 504 and 514 of such Act an amount expended or estimated to be expended by the State: Provided further, That $1,000,000 of the amount available under section 502(b) of such xVct shall be used only for special projects for mentally retarded children.