Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/438

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[70 Stat. 382]
[70 Stat. 382]


PUBLIC LAW 627-JUNE 29, 1956

[70 S T A T.

the Secretary of Commerce, in acquiring such lands or interests in lands, or such lesser percentage which represents the State's pro rata share of project costs as determined in accordance with section 108(e) of this title. The authority granted by this section shall also apply to lands and interests in lands received as grants of land from the United States and owned or held by railroads or other corporations. (b) COSTS OF ACQUISITION.—The costs incurred by the Secretary


of Commerce in acquiring any such lands or interests in lands may include the cost of examination and abstract of title, certificate of title, advertising, and any fees incidental to such acquisition. All costs incurred by the Secretary of Commerce in connection with the acquisition of any such lands or interests in lands shall be paid from the funds for construction, reconstruction, or improvement of the Interstate System apportioned to the State upon the request of which such lands or interests in lands are acquired, and any sums paid to the Secretary of Commerce by such State as its share of the costs of acquisition of such lands or interests in lands shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the appropriation for Federal-aid highways and shall be credited to the amount apportioned to such State as its apportionment of funds for construction, reconstruction, or improvement of the Interstate System, or shall be deducted from other moneys due the State for reimbursement under section 108 of this title. (c) CONVEYANCE OF ACQUIRED LANDS TO THE STATES.—The Secretary of Commerce is further authorized and directed by proper deed, executed in the name of the United States, to convey any such lands or interests in lands acquired in any State under the provisions of this section, except the outside five feet of any such right-of-way in any State which does not provide control of access, to the State highway department of such State or such political subdivisions thereof as its laws may provide, upon such terms and conditions as to such lands or interests in lands as may be agreed upon by the Secretary of Commerce and the State highway (Apartment or political subdivisions to which the conveyance is to be made. Whenever the State makes provision for control of access satisfactory to the Secretary of Commerce, the outside five feet then shall be conveyed to the State by the Secretary of Commerce, as herein provided. (d) RIGHTS-OF-WAY OVER PUBLIC LANDS.—Whenever rights-ofway, including control of access, on the Interstate System are required over public lands or reservations of the United States, the Secretary of Commerce may make such arrangements with the agency having jurisdiction over such lands as may be necessary to give the State or other person constructing the projects on such lands adequate rightsof-way and control of access thereto from adjoining lands, and any such agency is hereby directed to cooperate with the Secretary of Commerce in this connection. SEC. 110. AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS TO ACQUIRE RIGHTS-OF-WAY AND TO MAKE ADVANCES TO THE STATES. (a) ADVANCE RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITIONS.—For the purpose of

facilitating the acquisition of rights-of-way on any of the Federalaid highway systems, including the Interstate System, in the most expeditious and economical manner, and recognizing that the acquisition of rights-of-way requires lengthy planning and negotiations if it is to be done at a reasonable cost, the Secretary of Commerce is hereby authorized, upon request of a State highway department, to make available to such State for acquisition of rights-of-way, in anticipation of construction and under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of Commerce may prescribe, the funds apportioned to such State for expenditure on any of the Federal-aid highway systems,