Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/382

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[70 Stat. 326]
[70 Stat. 326]


PUBLIC LAW 6 0 6 - J U N E 21, 1956

Public Law 606 June 21, 1956 [H. R. 9838]



C H A P T E R 421

AN ACT To authorize transfer of oflScers of the Nurse Corps of the Regular Navy aud Naval Reserve to the Medical Service Corps of the Navy, and for other purp<jses.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the cotpZ^ ^ " ' ^ * United States of America in Congress assembled., That during a Transfer^o Med- period of iiot iiiore thaii twelve months after enactment of this Act, ical Service. Muy officer on the active list of the Nurse Corps of the Regular Navy or any officer of the Nurse Corps of the Naval Reserve in a permanent grade not above lieutenant who is qualified in one or more of the specialties of dietetics, physical therapy, or occupational therapy, may be, upon her application, transferred to and appointed in the Medical Service Corps of the Regular Navy subject to regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy. An officer so transferred shall be appointed in her permanent grade with the precedence held by her at the time of transfer and upon transfer she may be reappointed to a higher permanent or temporary grade which corresponds to a higher temporary grade in which she was serving at the time of transfer. The reappointment in a higher temporary grade of an officer so transferred shall be regarded for all purposes as having been effected under the same authority of law pursuant to which she was serving in a higher temporary grade at time of such transfer. The running mate of an officer transferred in accordance with this authority shall be, upon transfer, a woman line officer or a male officer, as the case may be, of the Regular Navy of appropriate precedence assigned by the Secretary of the Navy. Officers so transferred who at the time of transfer had to their credit leave accrued, but not taken, shall not, by reason of such transfer, lose such accrued leave. Grades and proSEC. 2. All provisions of law now existing or hereafter enacted motion. relating to authorized grades, distribution in grade, selection for promotion, promotion and retirement of women staff officers of the 62 Stat. 363. 34 USC 105 et Regular Navy appointed pursuant to the Act of June 12, 1948 (62 aeq. Stat. 356, ch. 449), as amended, or the Act of June 24, 1952 (66 Stat. 34 USC 21e. 155, ch. 457) shall be construed to apply in like manner to officers transferred and appointed to the Medical Service Corps under the Limitation. authority of this Act; however, officers transferred and reappointed pursuant to this Act shall not be subject to existing provisions of law relating to age limitations for appointments. P a y, leave, e t c. SEC. 3. All provisions of law relating to pay, leave, money allowances for subsistence and rental of quarters, mileage and other travel allowances, or other allowances, benefits, and emoluments of women staff officers of the Regular Navy shall apply to officers transferred and appointed to the Medical Service Corps under the authority of this Act. Approved June 21, 1956. Public Law 607


June 22, 1956 [S. 2967]

AN ACT To amend the Act of June 22, 1948 (62 Stat. 568), and for other purposes.

Superior National For e s t, Minn. 16 USC S77c.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, except as hereinafter provided, the provisions of the Act approved June 22, 1948 (62 Stat. 568), are hereby extended and made applicable to the following described lands: