Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1304

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[70 Stat. 122]
[70 Stat. 122]


PRIVATE LAW 7 6 8 - J U L Y 14, 1956



dra, Santiago Eomero, Gernimo Komero, Monico Rivas, Benito M. Pargas, Mrs. Pablo M. Padilla, Jose Padilla, Jose P. Lopez, Casimro Martinez, Frank Martinez, Manuel Martinez, Mrs. C. C. Montoya, Joseph W. Milligan, Tom Olguin, Ruben Gutierrez, Espiridion Gutirrez, Mrs. P a t Gonzales, Salomon Anaya, G. E. Baca, Paul G. Baca, Herminio Baldonado, Mariana O. Gallegos, Vicente Chavez, Mrs. Altagracia Carreaga, David Benavides, Delfino Gonzales, Vidal S. Chavez, Fortunate Gallegos, Damariz Romero, S. Gray Hanna, Pablo Alderete, Charles M. Grossman, Alta Carreaga, Andres Mora, Patricino Trujeque, Conrado Trujeque, Epitacio Torres, Estanislado Torres, Climaco M. Springer, Feliciano Serna, Frank Saavedra, Luz Romero, Celedon Romero, Junior, Dionicia Pargas, Pablo Padilla, Jose M. Padilla, Antonio Lopez, Juanite P. Lopez, Dan Martinez, Juan A, Martinez, Pedro Martinez, Louis Mora, Charles H. Nattress, Senior, Doloritas R. Padilla, Jose A. Gutierrez, Mrs. Refugia B. Gonzales, Jose Maria Gonzalez, Alfredo Armijo, Librada Baca, Frank Barela, Damacia Gonzales Barreras, Charles Eaton, Aurora O. Dreyfus, James Carmody, Veronica Gallegos, Jose Gonzales, Rumaldita Gallegos, Jose Herrera, and Trinidad Trujillo against the United States for compensation for the taking of or for damage to real or personal property in the flooding of lands in the Rio Grande Valley in the vicinity of San Marcial, New Mexico, in 1929, which flooding allegedly resulted from the construction by the United States of Elephant Butte Dam on the Rio Grande. SEC. 2. Suit upon any such claim may be instituted by the owner of the property with respect to which the claim is made or by his heirs at any time within three years after the date of enactment of this Act. Proceedings for the determination of any such claim and review thereof any payment of any judgment thereon shall be in accordance with the provisions of law applicable in the case of the taking by the United States of private property for public use, but nothing contained in this Act shall be construed as an inference of liability on the part of the United States Government. Any claims approved for payment under the provisions of this Act shall be liabilities of the United States Government and shall not be charged against irrigation districts located on the Rio Grande project (New Mexico-Texas). Approved July 14, 1956. CHAPTER 610

Private Law 768 July 14, 1956 [S. 449]

AN ACT For the relief of George Pantelas.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the George Pantelas. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Attorney General is authorized and directed to discontinue any deportation proceedings and to cancel any outstanding order and warrant of deportation, warrant of arrest, and bond, which may have been issued in the case of George Pantelas. From and after the date of enactment of this Act, the said George Pantelas shall not again be subject to deportation by reason of the same facts upon which such deportation proceedings were commenced or any such warrants and order have issued. Approved July 14, 1956.