Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1228

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[70 Stat. 46]
[70 Stat. 46]

A46 Effect and procedure.




PRIVATE LAW 6ia-MAY 9, 1956


SEC. 2. The effect of the consolidation and the procedure to be followed in carrying it out, shall be that prescribed in sections 51, 52, and 53 of article VII of the Membership Corporations Law of the State of New York. SEC. 3. Upon the adoption of an agreement for consolidation as provided by the Membership Corporations Law of the State of New York, by the governing bodies of the National Tax Association and the Tax Institute, Incorporated, the agreement for consolidation shall be submitted to each member of the National Tax Association at a meeting, called for the purpose of taking action for the adoption or rejection of the agreement for consolidation. Due notice of the time, place, and object of the meeting shall be mailed to the last known post office address of each member of the National Tax Association at least thirty days prior to the date of such meeting, and at such meeting the agreement for consolidation shall be considered and a vote by ballot, in person, or by proxy, taken for the adoption or rejection of the same, each member being entitled to one vote. If the votes of two-thirds of the total number of members of the National Tax Association shall be for the adoption of the agreement for consolidation, then the president or a vice president and the secretary or assistant secretary shall make an affidavit stating that they have been authorized to execute and file with the Secretary of the State of New York and with the Commissioners of the District of Columbia a certificate of consolidation by the votes cast by two-thirds of the members of the National Tax Association entitled to vote thereon, present in person or by proxy, at a meeting held upon notice as prescribed by the provisions of this Act at which a quorum was present in person or by proxy, and the date of such meeting. The word "member" as used herein shall include an individual, partnership, society, association, corporation, a public office board or Commission, a library and any other organized group or institution. SEC. 4. If the consolidated corporation is to be governed by the laws of any State other than the District of Columbia, it shall file with the Commissioners of the District of Columbia— (1) an agreement that it may be served with process in the District of Columbia in any proceeding for the enforcement of any obligation of the National Tax Association or in any proceeding for the enforcement of the rights, if any, of any member of the National Tax Association; and (2) an irrevocable appointment of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia as its agent to accept service of process in any such proceeding. SEC. 5. Nothing in this Act contained shall be so construed as to prevent Congress from altering, amending, or repealing the same. Approved May 4, 1956.

Private Law 610 May 9, 1956 [H. J. R e s. 457]



JOINT RESOLUTION For the relief of certain relatives of United States citizens.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United taSfu.*sTcit?ienr ^^^^^^ ^f ^^lerica in Congress assembled, That, notwithstanding the etc. provisions of section 212(a)(6) of the Immigration and Nationality 66 Stat. 182. Act, the aliens hereinafter named may be admitted to the United States 8 USC 1182. for permanent residence if they are found to be otherwise admissible under the provisions of that Act under such conditions and controls which the Attorney General, after consultation with the Surgeon