Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/117

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[70 Stat. 61]
[70 Stat. 61]




PUBLIC LAW 448-MAR. 29, 1956

shall be established by concurrent resolution of the Congress or by determination of the President". SEC. 3. That the third sentence of the first section of said Act is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the words "The amount allowed on account of personal injury or death shall be limited to reasonable medical, hospital, and burial expenses actually incurred, except that", and by capitalizing the next following word "no". SEC. 4. That the amendment made by the third section of this Act shall be effective only with respect to claims accruing after the date of its enactment. Approved March 29, 1956. Public Law 447

C H A P T E R 104

AN ACT To abolish the Castle Pinckney National Monument, in the State of South Carolina, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Castle Pinckney National Monument, South Carolina, is hereby abolished and the property contained therein is hereby authorized to be disposed of in accordance with the laws relating to the disposition of surplus Federal property. Approved March 29, 1956. Public Law 448


March 29, 1956 [H. R. 4391]

Castle Pinckney N a t ' l. Monument, S. C.

C H A P T E R 105

AN ACT To authorize land exchanges for ijurposes of Colonial National Historical Park, in the State of Virginia; to authorize the transfer of (;ertain lands of Colonial National Historical Park, in the State of Virginia, to the Commonwealth of Virginia; and for other purposes.

March 29. 1956 [H. R. 5280]

Be it enacted by the Senate and Jloune of Representatives of the ol i a l NaUnited States of America in Con(ivei^H axsemhTed,, That for the purposei C n a o n Historical to l of preserving more effectively for the public benefit the historic prop- Park, Va. Land exchanges. erties within (\)loiiial Xational Historical Park, Virginia, the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to consuiinnate desirable land exchanges, as hereafter prescribed, and thereby to reduce and adjust the boundaries of the park. Any lands eliminated from the park hereunder shall not subsequently be added to the park except by Act of Congress. In furtherance of these purposes, the Secretary is authorized on behalf of the Ignited States to accept from grantors title to nonFederal land and interests in land, together with the improvements thereon, situated within the authorized park boundaries, and in exchange therefor, to convey by deed on behalf of the United States to the aforesaid grantors land or interests therein, togetlier with the improvements thereon, situated within C^olonial National Historical Park that may be used advantageously for exchange purposes. The aforesaid exchanges are authorized to be made without additional compensation by either party to the exchange when the properties to be exchanged are of approximately equal value. When, however, the properties are not of approximately equal value, as may be determined by the Secretary, an additional payment of funds shall be required by the Secretary or by the grantor of non-Federal properties, as the case