Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 2.djvu/92

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[68 Stat. 62]
[68 Stat. 62]


PRIVATE LAW 391-JUNE 3, 1954 Private Law 391

June 3, 19S4 —CH' R. 4996]—

C o l. H e n r y M. D e n n i n g and



[68 S T A T. CHAPTER 260

^^ ACT p^j^. ^jjg reiigf of Colonel H e n r y M. Denning, and others.

Be it enacted by the /Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That relief is hereby granted the various disbursing officers of the United States or claimants hereinafter mentioned in amounts shown herein, said amounts representing amounts of erroneous payments made by said disbursing officers of public funds for which said officers are accountable or amounts due said claimants as listed in and under the circumstances described in identical letters of the Secretary of the Army to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and chairman, Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate. SEC. 2. That the Comptroller General of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to credit in the accounts of the following officers and employees of the Army of the United States the amounts set opposite their names: Colonel Henry M. Denning, Finance Corps (now retired), $133.77; Colonel C. K. McAlister, Finance Corps, $39.79; Colonel Frank Richards, Finance Corps (now retired), $34.69; Colonel H. R. Cole, Corps of Engineers, $18.72, the said amounts representing erroneous payments of public funds for which these persons are accountable, resulting from minor errors in determining amounts of pay and allowances due former members of the Civilian Conservation Corps, former officers, enlisted men, and civilian employees of the Army or contractors from whom collection of the overpayments cannot be effected, and which amounts have been disallowed by the Comptroller General of the United States. SEC. 3. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Major Paul M. Birkeland, Artillery, $500; First Lieutenant Maurice A. Berg, Air Force, $108; Second Lieutenant Charles Nuckols, Junior, class A agent officer for Lieutenant Colonel Julius S. Eberstein, Finance Corps, $48.75; First Lieutenant Austin E. Pritchard, Air Force, $121; First Lieutenant Irwin D. Binghan[i, Air Force, $330; First Lieutenant Charles F. Schwep, Signal Corps, $276; First Lieutenant Henry Fontenot, Ordnance Corps, $100; Captain B. D, Grossman, Finance Corps, $50; First Lieutenant Harold B. Cockrell, Infantry, class A agent officer for Major W. F. Menegus, Finance Corps, $436; Warrant Officer (Junior Grade) Gregory W. Corken, class B agent officer for Major E. A. Ganscnow, Finance Corps, $30.26; Captain Francis S. Chasm, Infantry, $181.36; in full satisfaction of the claim of each such claimant against the United States for a like amount. SEC. 4. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the P G Publishing Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, $218.40; Cleveland Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio, $206.38; The Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, Indiana, $260.04; The Dispatch Printing Company, Columbus, Ohio, $188.16; The Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati, Ohio, $321.30; Times-Herald, Washington, District of Columbia, $60.90; The Courier-Journal and The Louisville Times Company, Louisville, Kentucky, $78.75; The Madison Courier, Madison, Indiana, $4.50; The Marion Star, Marion, Ohio,