Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 2.djvu/358

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[68 Stat. 38]
[68 Stat. 38]

B38 May 5, 1954 [H- Con. R e s. 232.1 Printing of additional c o p i e s of hearings. 68A Stat.

May 10, 1954 [S. Con. R e s. 74]

Printing of additional c o p i e s of report.

May 13, 1954 [H. Con. R e s. 235] Re q u e s t to return enrolled H. R. 1769. Ante, p. A60.

May 17, 1954 [H. Con. R e s. 197]


[68 S T A T.


Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurring)^ That there be printed one thousand additional copies of the hearings on H. K. 8300 (Internal Revenue Code of 1954) held by the Senate Committee on Finance for the use of the Committee on Ways and Means. P a s s e d May 5, 1954. LATIN-AMERICAN OPERATIONS O F EXPORT-IMPORT AND INTERNATIONAL BANKS

Resolved by the Senate {the House of Representatives concurring) ^ That there be printed for the use of th« Committee on Banking and Currency live thousand additional copies of Senate Report Numbered 1082, current session, a study of the operations in Latin American countries of the Export-Import Bank and the International Bank and their relationship to the expansion of international trade. Agreed to May 10, 1954.


Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurring)^ That the President of the United States is requested to return to the House of Representatives the enrolled bill (H. R. 1769) for the relief of Oscar F. Brown. If and when said bill is returned by the President, the action of the Presiding Officers of the two Houses in signing said bill shall be deemed rescinded; and the Clerk of the House is authorized and directed, in the reenrollment of said bill, to make the following correction: Page 1, line 5, after "'to" insert "Mrs.'\ Page 1, line 8, after "sustained" insert "by her husband, Oscar F. Brown". Page 1, line 10, after the figures "1942" strike out the colon and insert "Oscar F. Brown died subsequent to the passage of this bill by the House of Representatives:" Amend the title so as to read: "For the relief of Mrs. Oscar F. Brown". P a s s e d May 13, 1954.


Resolved by the House of Representatives {the Senate concurring). That the Congress favors the granting of the status of permanent residence in the case of each alien hereinafter named, in which case the Attorney General has determined that such alien is qualified under the provisions of section 4 of the Displaced Persons Act of 1948, as amended (62 Stat. 1011; 64 Stat. 219; 50 App. U.S.C. 1953): A-7123468, Abdo, Zaki. A-6818125, Abdullah, Naim Ezra. A-3214298, Adler, Peeter Wilhelm. A-6897062, Adesnik, Klara (nee Frejdson). A-6568285, Adamsons, Arnolds. A-6568274, Adamsons, Frida Kvitans. A-6738932, Al-Hindawi, Ibrahim Yousif. A-6738933, Al-Hindawi, Lily Heskel. T-2760702, Al-Hindawi, Amira Ibrahim. T-2760703, Al-Hindawi, Ferial Ibrahim. A-6903675, Aron, Renee (nee Muller).