Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/48

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PUBLIC LAW 2 9 7 - F E B. 20, 1954



boundary of lot 15, map 8, of land court application 852, the coordinates of said point of beginning referred to Government Survey Triangulation Station "Punchbowl" being nine thousand six hundred ninety-eight and forty-four one-hundredths feet south and five thousand four hundred twenty-six and sixteen one-hundredths feet east, thence running by azimutns measured clockwise from true south: 1. Two hundred and thirty-four degrees thirty-five minutes fifty-five and seventy-six one-hundredths feet along lot 15, map 8, of land court application 852; 2. Thence on a curve to the right with a radius of twenty feet, along land described in deed by United States of America to Territory of Hawaii, dated December 14, 1942, and recorded in liber 1737, pages 349 to 352, in the Bureau of Conveyances at Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, the chord azimuth and distance being three hundred and ten degrees fifty-two minutes thirteen and eighty-eight one-hundredths feet; 3. Three hundred and thirty-one degrees ten minutes three hundred forty-six and seventy-seven one-hundredths feet along the present southwest side of Kalakaua Avenue; 4. One hundred and forty-five degrees thirteen minutes and thirty seconds ten feet along the remainder of the United States military reservation of Fort De Russy; 5. One hundred and forty-five degrees thirteen minutes thirty seconds one hundred six and thirty-nine one-hundredths feet along same; 6. Thence along same on a curve to the right with a radius of seven hundred and fifty feet, the chord azimuth and distance being one hundred and forty-eight degrees two minutes twenty-two and fivetenths seconds and seventy-three and sixty-six one-hundredths feet; 7. One hundred and fifty degrees fifty-one minutes fifteen seconds and sixty-three and thirteen one-hundredths feet along the remainder of the United States military reservation of Fort De Kussy; 8. Thence along same on a curve to the left with a radius of one hundred and forty feet, the chord azimuth and distance being one hundred and twenty-seven degrees forty-two minutes thirty-two and five-tenths seconds and one hundred ten and six one-hundredths feet to the point of beginning and containing an area of six thousand and twenty-one square feet. Together with any abutter's right of vehicle access, into and from Honolulu-Pearl Harbor Road, Federal aid project numbered U-44 (9) and Kalakaua Avenue, over and across courses 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the above-described parcel 69. Approved February 20, 1954. Public Law 297 February 20, 1954 [H. R. 2839]

Hawaiian Homes Commission. Land exchange. 42 Stat. 110. 48 USC 698. Post, p. 262.


AN ACT To enable the Hawaiian Homes Commission of the Territory of Hawaii to exchange available lands as designated by the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, for public lands.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That section 204 of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, as amended, be further amended by adding a new subparagraph thereto, designated subparagraph " (4)", and to read as follows: "(4) The commission may, with the approval of the Governor and the Secretary of the Interior, in order to consolidate its holdings or to better effectuate the purposes of this Act, exchange the title to