Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/422

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PUBLIC LAW 468-JULY 1, 1954

[68 S T A T.

purification and transmission facilities at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, as may be necessary to provide for a supply of water to the District Training School and the Children's Center under agreements to be entered into by the Commissioners and the Secretary of the Army, and the said appropriations shall be available for advance payment to the United States for work to be performed, subject to subsequent adjustment. CAPITAL OUTLAY, MISCELLANEOUS

37 Stat. 444.

Capital outlay, miscellaneous: For improvement of various recreation units, including preparation of architectural plans and erection of recreation structures without regard to the Act of August 24, 1912 (40 U.S.C. 68); improvements and alterations to heating plant at Keformatory; construction and equipping of dormitory at Workhouse; preparation of plans and specifications for Youth Correctional Center; construction of public restroom building at National Zoological Park, including office and storage space for police and maintenance forces; to remain available until expended, $966,000, of which $275,280 shall be available for construction services by the Director of Buildings and Grounds or by contract with architectural engineering firms, as may be determined by the Commissioners, and the funds for the use of the Director of Buildings and Grounds shall be advanced to the appropriation account, "Construction Services, Department of Buildings and Grounds": Provided, That in the construction work hereby authorized and to be done by the Department of Corrections, brick used shall be furnished without charge by the Working Capital Fund, Workhouse and Reformatory. DEPARTMENT OP HIGHWAYS

23 USC "b.*

Capital outlay, Department of Highways: For expenses necessary for the grading, surfacing, paving, repaving, widening, altering, purchase and installation of traffic lights, and otherwise improving streets, avenues, roads, and alleys, including curbing and gutters, directional and pedestrian islands at various intersections to permit proper traffic light control and channelization of traffic, drainage structures, culverts, suitable connections to storm water sewer system, retaining walls, replacement and relocation of sewers, water mains, fire hydrants, traffic lights, street lights, fire-alarm boxes, police-patrol boxes, and curb-line trees, when necessary, Federal-aid highway projects under section 1(b) of the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1938, and highway structure projects financed wholly from the highway fund upon the approval of plans for such structures by the Commissioners; for carrying out the provisions of existing laws which authorize the Commissioners to open, extend, straighten, or widen streets, avenues, roads, or highways, in accordance with the plan of the permanent system of highways for the District of Columbia, and alleys and minor streets, and for the establishment of building lines in the District of Columbia, including the procurement of chains of title; and for assessment and permit work, paving of roadways under the permit system, and construction of sidewalks and curbs around public reservations and municipal and United States buildings, including purchase or condemnation of streets, roads, and alleys, and of areas less than two hundred and fifty feet square at the intersection of streets, avenues, or roads in the District of Columbia, to be selected by the Commissioners; placing underground, relocating, and extending the telephone, police-patrol and fire-alarm cable and circuit distribution systems; installing and extending radio systems; and purchase of lampposts, street designations, and fixtures of all kinds; to remain available until