Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1375

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[68 Stat. LXI]
[68 Stat. LXI]

SUBJECT International Agreements—Continued ^**f® Claims, pro r a t a sharing 1006 Niagara River remedial works, appropriation for United States share of cost under t r e a t y with C a n a d a 332 North Pacific fisheries convention, effectuation 698 Occupied areas, use of funds for commodities and technical services to assist in maintenance of political and economic stability in; agreem e n t with recognized government, 825 Safety of Life a t Sea, International Convention for the, ship radio requirements to implement 704 Safety on the Great Lakes by Means of Radio, Agreement for the Promotion of, ship radio requirements to implement 729 Surplus agricultural commodities, sales for foreign currencies, negotiation authority 455, 456 Universal Copyright Convention, implem e n t a t i o n of 1031 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, investment by District of Columbia insurance companies 494 International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico: Appropriation for 415 Falcon D a m, transmission and disposition of electric energy 255 International Boundary Commission, United States, Alaska, and Canada, appropriation for 417 International Broadcasting Service. See under United States Information Agency. International Children's Emergency Fund Assistance Act of 1948, repeal 861 International Civil Aviation Organization, United Nations Participation Act of 1945, applicability of provisions 415 International Claims Commission: Abolishment, transfer of functions, etc., to Foreign Claims Settlement Commission 1279 Appropriation for expenses 417, 804 International Commissions, American Sections, appropriation for 416 International Contingencies, appropriation for 85, 41£ International Development, Act for, r e p e a l. 861 International Development Advisory Board, members, duties, etc 842 International Educational Exchange Activities. See under State, Department of.



International Fisheries Commissions, a p - ^**® propriation for expenses 417 International Geophysical Year, funds available for United States program, 818 International Instrument Congress and Exposition, First, Philadelphia, Pa., free importation of articles for exhibition 460 International Joint Commission, United States and Canada, appropriation for expenses 416 International Materials Conference, restriction on use of funds for expenses. 433 International Monetary and Financial Problems, National Advisory Council on: Consultation on sales of vessels to Brazil 482 Representation of E x p o r t - I m p o r t Bank of Washington on 678 International North Pacific Fisheries Commission, United States representation, etc 698 International Organizations: Appropriation for contributions, quotas, etc 414 Inter-American Highway 427, 428 Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration, authorized, 844 Appropriation for 1221 International Boundary and W a t e r Commission, United States and Mexico, appropriation for 415 International Boundary Commission, United States, Alaska, and Canada 417 International fisheries commissions. _ 417 International Joint Commission, United States and C a n a d a 416 North Atlantic T r e a t y Organization, authorized 843, 845, 849 Appropriation for 1220, 1221 Organization of American States, authorized 842 Appropriation for 1221 Restriction on use of funds for organizations promoting principle of one world government or citizenship. 418 United Nations Children's F u n d, authorized 844 Appropriation for 1221 United Nations Expanded Program of Technical Assistance, a u t h o r i z e d. 842 Appropriation for 1221 United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency, authorized 839 Appropriation for 1220 United ' Nations Refugee Emergency F u n d, authorized 844