Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1270

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[68 Stat. 1238]
[68 Stat. 1238]


63 Stat. 509.

63 Stat. 530.

PUBLIC LAW 779-SEPT. 3, 1954

[68 S T A T.

utilized to the fullest possible advantage. Before locating and operating any such aid on military or naval bases or regions, the consent of the Secretary of the Army, the Secretary of the Navy, or the Secretary of the Air Force, as the case may be, shall first be obtained. No such aid shall be located within the territorial jurisdiction of any foreign country without the consent of the government thereof. Nothing in this title shall be deemed to limit the authority granted by the provisions of section 458 of Title 5, or by section 475(e) of Title 49 or subchapter III of chapter 9 of that title.". Q^^j. 32. Section 186 of Title 14, United States Code, is amended (1) by striking out, in the first sentence of such section, the reference "Classification Act of 1923", and in lieu thereof inserting "Classification Act of 1949"; and (2) by striking out, in the second sentence thereof, the reference "sections 29a, 30b-30m, 84, 663, 667, 672a-673, and Chapter 18", and in lieu thereof inserting "section 84, chapter 18, subchapter IV of chapter 21, sections 1112, 1113, and 1121-1125, and chapter 23", so that such section will read as follows: "§ 186. Civilian Instructors "The Secretary may appoint in the Coast Guard, subject to the competitive provisions of the civil-service laws and regulations, such number of civilian instructors as the needs of the Service require, not to exceed eight, whose compensation shall be fixed in accordance with the Classification Act of 1949, as amended. Leaves of absence and hours of work for such civilian instructors shall be governed by regulations issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, without regard to section 84, chapter 18, subchapter IV of chapter 21, sections 1112, 1113, and 1121-1125, and chapter 23, of Title 5.". SEC. 33. (a) The analysis of chapter 13 of Title 14, United States Code, preceding section 461 of such title, is amended by adding, immediately preceding the period at the end of item 461 in such analysis, the following: "; pay of officers indebted to United States", so that such item will read as follows: "461. Pay and allowances; pay of officers indebted to United States.". (b) Section 461 of Title 14, United States Code, is amended (1) by adding, at the end of the catchline of such section, the following: "; pay of officers indebted to United States"; (2) by inserting the subsection symbol " (a) " at the beginning of the present paragraph in such section; and (3) by adding to such section the following new subsection: "(b) The pay of officers of the Coast Guard may be withheld under section 82 of Title 5 on account of an indebtedness to the United States admitted or shown by the judgment of a court, but not otherwise unless upon a special order issued according to the discretion of the Secretary.", so that such section will read as follows: "§461.

Pay and Allowances; P a y of Officers Indebted to United

States "(a) Commissioned officers, commissioned warrant officers, cadets, warrant officers, and enlisted persons shall, except as otherwise provided by law, receive the same pay, allowances, increases, additions, and gratuities as prescribed by corresponding ranks, grades, or ratings for personnel of the Navy, including any extra pay and allowances for special duty. "(b) The pay of officers of the Coast Guard may be withheld under section 82 of Title 5 on account of an indebtedness to the United States admitted or shown by the judgment of a court, but not otherwise unless upon a special order issued according to the discretion of the Secretary.".