Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1207

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[68 Stat. 1175]
[68 Stat. 1175]



PUBLIC LAW 7 7 3 - S E P T. 3, 1954

recommend Reserve officers for promotion to those grades. The names of the officers to be considered shall include— (1) the name of the senior officer in the grade of first lieutenant, captain, or major, as the case may be, and whose name is not on a recommended list; and (2) the name of such additional officers in those grades, in order of seniority, as the Secretary may prescribe. (c) This section does not apply to the promotion of female Eeserve officers designated as nurses or women medical specialists to a grade above captain, or to the promotion of any female Reserve officer appointed under section 310 of the Women's Armed Services Integration Act of 1948 (5 U.S.C. 627i), to a grade above major. SEC. 511. (a) A Reserve officer whose name is on a recommended list may be promoted to fill a vacancy at any time, but shall be promoted, irrespective of the existence of a vacancy, on the date upon which he completes four years of promotion service in grade and seven total years of service, if he is in the grade of first lieutenant; seven years of promotion service in grade and fourteen total years of service, if he is in the grade of captain; or seven years of promotion service in grade and twenty-one total years of service, if he is in the grade of major. (b) A Reserve officer on active duty who is recommended for promotion to a grade higher than that in which he is serving, shall, before being promoted, elect to serve on active duty in the grade in which he is then serving or be released. SEC. 512. (a) Wlien a Reserve officer in the grade of first lieutenant, captain, or major must be considered by a selection board for promotion because he will complete the prescribed number of years of promotion service in grade and total years of service, the Secretary may furnish to the selection board the names of such officers to be considered for promotion to the grade concerned and direct the board to recommend those whom it considers fully qualified for promotion. (b) Whenever Reserve officers are to be considered by a selection board for promotion to fill existing or anticipated vacancies, the Secretary may direct the board to— (1) consider the officers whose names are referred to it in the order of their seniority; (2) recommend those considered who are fully qualified for promotion; (3) pass over those who are not fully qualified for promotion; and (4) continue such procedure until the number of officers specified by him to be recommended is obtained. (c) In lieu of the procedure prescribed in subsection (a) or (b), the Secretary may furnish to a selection board the names of Reserve officers to be considered by it and direct the board to recommend for promotion a specific number of officers whom the board considers to be the best qualified of those named for consideration. When officers are considered for promotion to the grade of captain, major, or lieutenant colonel, under this subsection, the selection board shall recommend for promotion at least 80 percent of the officers named for consideration. (d) This section does not apply to the promotion of female Reserve officers designated as nurses or women medical specialists to a grade above captain, or to the promotion of any female Reserve officer appointed under section 310 of the Women's Armed Services Integration Act of 1948 (5 U.S.C. 627i), to a grade above major.


62 Stat. 374; 66 Stat. 506. Promotion.

Method of s election.