Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/106

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Nicaragua. 66 Stat. 160.

Civil defense.

R e s e a r c h program.

42 Stat. 217. 23 USC 21.


Study of utility relocation.

Report. Federal Highway Act, draft of bill.


PUBLIC LAW 350-MAY 6, 1954



find that the cost of constructing said highway in such country or countries will be beyond their reasonable capacity to bear. SEC. 8. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of section 5 of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1952 (66 Stat. 158), there is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Department of State, in addition to the sums heretofore authorized, the sum of $2,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1955, and a like sum for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1956, to be available until expended, for completing the United States obligation under the applicable agreement with the Republic of Nicaragua: Provided, That the survey and construction work authorized by the said section 5 shall be under the general supervision of the Secretary of Commerce. SEC. 9. I n order to assure that adequate consideration is given to civil defense aspects in the planning and construction of highways constructed or reconstructed with the aid of Federal funds, the Secretary of Commerce is authorized and directed to consult, from time to time, with the Federal Civil Defense Administrator relative to the civil defense aspects of highways so constructed or reconstructed. SEC. 10. (a) The Secretary of Commerce is authorized in his discretion to engage in research on all phases of highway construction, reconstruction, modernization, development, design, maintenance, safety, financing, and traffic conditions, including the effect thereon of State laws, and is authorized to test, develop, or assist in the testing and developing of any material, invention, patented article, or process. The Secretary may carry out the authority granted hereby, either independently, or in cooperation with any other branch of the Government, State agency, authority, association, institution, corporation (profit or nonprofit), or any other organization, or person. The funds required to carry out the provisions of this subsection shall be taken out of the administrative and research funds authorized by section 21 of the Federal Highway Act (42 Stat. 212), as amended. The provisions of section 3f09 of the Revised Statutes (41 U.S.C. sec. 5) shall not be applicable to contracts or agreements made under the authority of this subsection. (b) The Secretary shall include in the highway research program herein authorized studies of economic highway geometries, structures, and desirable weight and size standards for vehicles using the public highways and of the feasibility of uniformity in State regulations with respect to such standards, and he shall report from time to time to the Committees on Public "Works of the Senate and of the House of Representatives on the progress and findings with respect to such studies. SEC. 11. The Secretary of Commerce is hereby directed to make a study in cooperation with the State highway departments and other parties in interest relative to the problems posed by necessary relocation and reconstruction of public utilities services resulting from highway improvements authorized under this Act. Among other things, such a study shall include a review and financial analysis of existing relationships between the State highway departments and affected utilities of all types, and a review of the various State statutes regulating existing relationships, to the end that a full and informative report may be made to the President for transmittal to the Congress of the United States not later than February 1, 1955. SEC. 12. The Secretary of Commerce is authorized and directed to transmit to the Committees on Public Works of the Senate and of the House of Representatives not later than December 31, 1954, a suggested draft of a bill or bills for a Federal Highway Act, which will mclude such provisions of existing law, and such changed or new provisions as the Secretary deems advisable. The Secretary shall also submit a