Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/906

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Quota deduction.

PRIVATE LAW 503-MAR. 28, 1952



the United States for permanent residence as of the date of the enactment of this Act, upon payment of the required visa fee and head tax. Upon the granting of permanent residence to such alien as provided for in this Act, the Secretary of State shall instruct the proper quotacontrol officer to deduct one number from the appropriate quota for the first year that such quota is available. Approved March 28, 1952. Private Law 503


March 28, 1952 [S. 1925]

AN ACT For the relief of Gregory Joseph Coles.

43 Stat. 155, 157, 162. 8 USC 204(a), 209, 213(c).

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, for the purposes of sections 4(a) and 9 of the Immigration Act of 1924, as amended, and notwithstanding the provisions of section 13(c) of that Act, the minor child Gregory Joseph Coles, shall be held and considered to be the natural-born alien child of Clinton J. Coles, a citizen of the United States. Approved March 28, 1952. Private Law 504

March 31, 1952 [H. J. Reg. 363]

Henrik Kurt Carlsen.

50 USC app. 751.

JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for the presentation of the Merchant Marine Distinguished Service Medal to Henrik Kurt Carlsen, master, steamship Flying Enterprise. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Maritime Administrator is authorized and directed to present the Merchant Marine Distinguished Service Medal, of design provided under the Act of April 11, 1942 (56 Stat. 217), to Henrik Kurt Carlsen, master, steamship Flying Enterprise, in recognition of his heroic conduct and valor beyond the call of duty while attempting without regard to his personal safety to bring his ship and its cargo to port. His endeavors during the period December 29, 1951, to January 10, 1952, were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States merchant marine. Approved March 31, 1952.

Private Law 505 April 3, 1952 ftpri [H. R. 748]

Quota deductions.



AN ACT For the relief of Basil Vasso Argyris and Mrs. Aline Argyris. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, for the purposes of the immigration and naturalization laws, Basil Vasso Argyris and Mrs. Aline Argyris shall be held and considered to have been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence as of the date of the enactment of this Act, upon payment of the required visa fees and head taxes. Upon the granting of permanent residence to such aliens as provided for in this Act, the Secretary of State shall instruct the proper quota officer to deduct two numbers from the appropriate quota for the first year that such quota is available. Approved April 3, 1952.