Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/786

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PUBLIC LAW 573-JULY 17, 1952

[66 S T A T.

territory involved or by the construction or provision of new facilities where deemed necessary. (k) The performance of such other functions which may be of mutual benefit to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey insofar as concerns the promotion and development of the Port District for port purposes and the use of its facilities by commercial vessels. (2) Article II of said agreement is amended to read as follows: ARTICLE II

etclrofVo'mm^^^ ^ ^ commission shall consist of sixteen commissioners, eight resisioji. dent voters of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and ei^ht resident voters of the State of New Jersey, who shall serve without compensation. I ' The present members of the commission, including ex-officio members, shall continue to serve, respectively, as commissioners until the expiration of their terms or the terms of office by virtue of the holding of which they are members of the commission and until succeeding commissioners shall be appointed and qualify, except that the terms of the present members of the commission for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall expire as of the date of the coming into force of the supplemental compact or agreement authorized by the Act of the 1951 General Assembly of said Commonwealth providing for amendment of this article. The commissioners for the State of New Jersey shall be appointed by the Governor of New Jersey with the advice and consent of the Senate of New Jersey, for terms of five years, and in case of a vacancy occurring in the office of commissioner during a recess of the Legislature, it may be filled by the Governor by an ad interim appointment which shall expire at the end of the next regular session of the Senate unless a successor shall be sooner appointed and qualify and, after the end of the session, no ad interim appointment to the same vacancy shall be made unless the Governor shall have submitted to the Senate a nomination to the office during the session and the Senate shall have adjourned without confirming or rejecting it, and no person nominated for any such vacancy shall be eligible for an ad interim appointment s to such office if the nomination shall have failed of confirmation by the Senate. Six of the eight commissioners for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall be appointed by the Governor of Pennsylvania for terms of five years. The Auditor General and the State Treasurer of said Commonwealth shall ex-officio be commissioners for said Commonwealth, each having the privilege of appointing a representative to serve in his place at any meeting of the commission which he does not attend personally. All commissioners shall continue to hold office after the expiration ^ of the terms for which thej^ are appointed or elected until their respective successors are appointed and qualify, but no period during which any commissioner shall hold over shall be deemed to be an extension of his term of office for the purpose of computing the date on which his successor's term expires. (3) Article IV of said agreement is amended to read as follows: ARTICLE IV

For the effectuation of its authorized purposes the commission is hereby granted the following powers: (a) To have perpetual succession. (b) To sue and be sued.