Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/696

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PUBLIC LAW 547-JULY 15, 1952



available, an agreement shall be entered into between the United States and the recognized government or authority with respect to such area containing such undertakings by such government or authority as the President may determine to be necessary in order to assure the efficient use of such assistance in furtheran'^.e of such purposes: Provided further, That such agreement shall, when applicable, include requirements and undertakings corresponding to the requirements and under2 2^ijsc^'i'4 11 takings specified in sections 6, 6, and 7 of the Foreign Aid Act of 1947 "°**(Public Law 389, approved December 17, 1947): Provided further, tai^ft'r'^sportation That fuuds appropriated hereunder may be used, insofar as practicharges. cable, and under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the head of the department or agency concerned to pay ocean transportation charges from United States ports, including territorial ports, to ports in the Ryukyus for the movement of supplies donated to, or purchased by, United States voluntary nonprofit relief agencies registered with and recommended by the Advisory Committee on voluntary Foreign Aid or of relief packages consigned to individuals residing in Relief packages. such areas: Provided further, That under the rules and regulations to be prescribed, the head of the department or agency concerned shall fix and pay a uniform rate per pound for the ocean transportation of all relief packages of food or other general classification of commodities shipped to the Ryukyus regardless of methods of shipment and higher rates charged by particular agencies of transportation, but this proviso shall not apply to shipments made by individuals to Transfer of funcindividuals: Provided further, That the President may transfer to tions. any other department or agency any function or functions provided for under this appropriation, and there shall be transferred to any such department or agency without reimbursement and without regard to the appropriation from which procured, such property as the Director of the Bureau of the Budget shall determine to relate primarily to any function or functions so transferred: Provided further, That not to exceed $1,725,000 of the funds appropriated under this head for the fiscal year 1950, shall remain available until June 30, 1953, for the payment of obligations incurred under contracts executed prior to July 1, 1950. TITLE II—DEPARTMENT OF STATE GOVERNMEN'T IN OCCUPIED AREAS

60 Stat. 810. Tort claims. 62 Stat. 983.

For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary to meet the responsibilities and obligations of the United States in Germany and Austria (including those arising under the supreme authority assumed by the United States on June 5, 1945, and under contractual arrangements with the Federal Republic of Germany), under such regulations as the Secretary of State may prescribe, including one deputy to the United States chief of mission in Germany at a salary of $17,500; tuition, travel expenses, health and accident insurance, fees incident to instruction in the United States or elsewhere, and hospitalization and medical care, including travel of attendants, of such persons as may be required to carry out the provisions of this appropriation; actual expenses of preparing and transporting to their former homes the remains of persons who may die away from their homes while participating in activities authorized under this appropriation; services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55a), at rates not in excess of $50 per diem for individuals; payment of tort claims, in the manner authorized in the first paragraph of section 2672, as amended, of title 28 of the United States Code when such claims arise in foreign countries; expenses for translation and reproduction rights; acquisition, maintenance, operation, and distribution of educa-