Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/682

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PUBLIC LAW 546-JULY 15, 1952 •.

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date the relocation of any railroad or highway made necessary by the construction of the McNary Lock and Dam, to the extent that protection, alteration, reconstruction, relocation, or replacement is necessary or proper to preserve the safety or utility of such bridge, trestle, or structure, or to meet the requirements of navigation or flood control, or both, or in connection with the relocation of any such railroad or highway, the owner or owners of such bridge, trestle, or structure shall be compensated from appropriations heretofore or hereafter made for the construction of the McNary Lock and Dam or for maintenance and improvement of rivers and harbors, in the sum of the reasonable actual cost of such protection, alteration, reconstruction, relocation, or replacement: Provided, That in arriving at the amount of such compensation the bridge owner shall be charged with a sum which shall equal such part of the cost as is attributable to the direct and special benefits which will accrue to the bridge owner as a result of the alteration, including the expectable savings in repair or maintenance costs; and that part of the cost attributable to the requirements of traffic by railroad or highway, or both, including any expenditure for increased carrying capacity of the bridge; and such proportion of the actual capital cost of the altered bridge as the used service life bears to the total estimated service life, including that proportion of the cost of removing the altered bridge represented by the used service life. The Chief of Engineers, acting under the direction of the Secretary of the Army, is empowered to contract with such owner with respect to any such protection, alteration, reconstruction, relocation, or replacement, the payment of the cost thereof and its proper division, which contract may provide either for money compensation or for the performance of all or any part of the work by the Corps of Engineers: Provided, That prior to such alteration, reconstruction, or relocation of said bridge the location and plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Chief of Engineers and by the Secretary of the Army in accordance with existing laws, (b) This Act shall apply with respect to the Snake River Highway Bridge, including approaches, fenders, and appurtenances thereto, on National Highway 410, notwithstanding the fact that such bridge has been relocated and reconstructed, prior to the date of enactment of this Act, by the State of Washington, and compensation shall be paid to such State in the sum, determined as provided in this Act, of the reasonable actual cost of the relocation and reconstruction of such bridge. Approved July 15, 1952.