Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/265

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66 S T A T. J

PUBLIC LAW 414-JUNE 27, 1952

section 101(a) unless he applies to have his classification changed from a classification under paragraph (15)(C) to a classification under paragraph (15)(A) or (15)(G) of section 101(a). RECORD OF ADMISSION FOR P E R M A N E N T RESIDENCE I N THE CASE OF CERTAIN A L I E N S W H O ENTERED THE UNITED STATES PRIOR TO J U L Y 1, 1924

SEC, 249. (a) A record of lawful admission for permanent residence may, in the discretion of the Attorney General and under such regulations as he may prescribe, be made in the case of any alien, if no such record is otherwise available and such alien shall satisfy the Attorney General that he— (1) entered the United States prior to July 1, 1924; (2) has had his residence in the United States continuously since such entry; (3) is a person of good moral character; (4) is not subject to deportation; and (5) is not ineligible to citizenship. (b) An alien in respect of whom a record of admission has been made as authorized by subsection (a), shall be deemed to have been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence as of the date of his entry prior to July 1, 1924. REMOVAL OF A L I E N S W H O H A V E F A L L E N I N TO DISTRESS

SEC. 250. The Attorney General may remove from the United States any alien who falls into distress or who needs public aid from causes arising subsequent to his entry, and is desirous of being so removed, to the native country of such alien, or to the country from which he came, or to the country of which he is a citizen or subject, or to any other country to which he wishes to go and which will receive him, at the expense of the appropriation for the enforcement of this Act. Any alien so removed shall be ineligible to apply for or receive a visa or other documentation for readmission, or to apply for admission to the United States except with the prior approval of the Attorney General. CHAPTER 6—SPECIAL PROVISIONS KELATING TO A L I E N CREWMEN LISTS OF A L I E N C R E W M E N; REPORTS OF ILLEGAL LANDINGS

SEC. 251. (a) Upon arrival of any vessel or aircraft in the United States from any place outside the United States it shall be the duty of the owner, agent, consignee, master, or commanding officer thereof to deliver to an immigration officer at the port of arrival (1) a complete, true, and correct list containing the names of all aliens employed on such vessel or aircraft, the positions they respectively hold in the crew of the vessel or aircraft, when and where they were respectively shipped or engaged, and those to be paid off or discharged in the port of arrival; or (2) in the discretion of the Attorney General, such a list containing so much of such information, or such additional or supplemental information, as the Attorney General shall by regulations prescribe. I n the case of a vessel engaged solely in traffic on the Great Lakes, Saint Lawrence River, and connecting waterways, such lists shall be furnished at such times as the Attorney General may require. (b) I t shall be the duty of any owner, agent, consignee, master, or commanding officer of any vessel or aircraft to report to an immigration officer, in writing, as soon as discovered, all cases in which any alien crewman has illegally landed in the United States from the vessel or aircraft, together with a description of such alien and any information likely to lead to his apprehension.