Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/1226

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Agriculture, Department of—Continued page Agriculture, Department of—Continued Page Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry, Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Bureau of—Continued Bureau of, appropriation for 115, Truck Crop Insect Laboratory, Al124, 339 hambra, and Citrus Insect LaboAgricultural Economics, Bureau of, apratory, Whittier, combination propriation for 115, 124, 335 and establishment at Anaheim, Agricultural land resources, appropriaCalif.; appropriation authorized. 588 tion for conservation and use._._. 98, White pine blister rust control, funds 311, 346 Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, available 341 appropriation for effecting proviExperiment Stations, Office of, approsions 115, 124, 335, 336 priation for 115,337 Extension Service, appropriation for. 116, 350 Agricultural Research Administration, Extension work, apportionment of appropriation for 115, 124, 336 funds 440 Alaska, appropriation for research 115, Farm Credit Administration, appro124, 336 priation for 116, 124, 350 Aliens, employment of 356 Farm housing loans. See under Housing. Animal disease control, appropriation Farm Tenant Act. See separaie title. for 115, 124, 311, 338, 354 Farmers' Home Administration. See Animal Industry, Bureau of, appropriaseparate title. tion for 115, 124, 311, 338 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Appropriation Act 335 appropriation for 349, 353 Appropriation for 98, Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, 105, 115, 124, 311, 335, 642, 656 appropriation for 353 Badlands National Monument, S. Dak., Federal intermediate credit banks, apjurisdiction over lands eliminated propriation for 363 from; land exchanges... 65 Fish, restriction on use of funds for work Blue Ridge Parkway, transfer of certain relating to 336 lands to jurisdiction of, for national Flood assistance and rehabilitation, apforests 69 propriation for 98, 99 Caddo Parish, La., Police Jury, conveyFlood prevention, appropriation for.. 344, 346 Foot-and-mouth disease, etc., appropriaance of land to 12 tion for eradication .. 311, 364 ChaufiFeurs, restriction on use of funds Foreign Agricultural Relations, Office for 356 of— Classing and grading of agricultural Aliens, employment of 366 commodities, appropriation for 116, Appropriation for 116, 362 124, 348 Forest pests, appropriation for control.. 341 Commodity Credit Corporation. See Forest Service— separate title. Advances of funds to forest research Commodity Exchange Authority, approcooperators, authority 343 priation for 116, 124, 349 Appropriation for 105, 116, 124, 341 Cotton Ginning Branch Laboratory, Buildings, cost limitation 342, 343 Mesilla Park, N. Mex., appropriaFire control near Missoula, Mont., tion for addition to 339 appropriation for 106 Cotton prices, prediction by employees, Forest roads and trails, appropriation restriction 355 for 343 Crawford, Nebr., transfer of land to... 439 North Lobato and El Pueblo tracts, Dairy Industry, Bureau of, appropriaN. Mex., authority for admintion for 115, 124, 338 istration 284 Defense Production Act—• Range improvements, cooperative, Appropriation for functions under— 656 appropriation for 344 Authority under. See Defense Pro"Smokey Bear" character, manufacduction Act Amendments of 1952. ture or use 92 State and private forestry cooperation, Entomology and Plant Quarantine, appropriation for 116, 124, 344 Bureau of— Appropriation for 116, 124, 339 White pine blister rust control, funds El Paso, Tex., accommodations in 83 available 341